Tag Archive: specialguest

Year 2023/2024
May 24: “Girl You Ate (Literally)”. MEATing with Chelsea G. Summers
May 24, 2024
We are pleased to invite you to a “MEATing” with the author of “A Certain Hunger,” Chelsea G. Summers, at the ASC! Hosted by students participating in the Food Matters course, the MEATing will be an opportunity to discuss a work of entertaining if gory fiction described by a NYT reviewer as “One of the most uniquely fun and campily gory books in my recent memory.” If you enjoy aproblematic protagonist, a satire on foodie culture, and detailed accounts of procuring andcooking human meat, then this is a session for you!

Year 2023/2024
May 20-21: Steven Conn at The University of Warsaw
May 20, 2024
The American Studies Center and the Faculty of History are pleased to invite you to two lectures by Prof. Steven Conn! Prof. Conn will deliver a lecture titled Urban History and the Question of Scale at the Department of History and a lecture titled Demystifying Rural America at the American Studies Center.

Year 2023/2024
May 20: America versus the Czech Republic and Slovakia – Who Sees Who in the International Puzzle
May 20, 2024
Leadership Research Group has the pleasure of inviting you to a conversation with two distinguished scholars who will shed light on the vicissitudes of relations between USA and its junior European partners who look at USA differently than Poland.

Year 2023/2024
May 13: Entertainment Media and Politics
May 13, 2024
We are delighted to invite you to the double talk “Entertainment Media and Politics” with our special guest Professor Philip Habel and Professor Stephen Farnsworth. The participants will present their recent and current research on politics in late night comedy shows, movies, and video games.

Year 2023/2024
April 26: Bad Gays and They/Them Armies: Homonationalism and its Backlash
April 26, 2024
We are pleased to invite you to a lecture by Ben Miller and Huw Lemmey, the hosts of Bad Gays, “a podcast about evil and complicated queers in history” and the authors of Bad Gays: A Homosexual History.

Year 2023/2024
March 15: The 2024 US Presidential Election: What’s in the Cards?
March 15, 2024
What are the stakes of the 2024 American presidential election for the US and its allies, like Poland? What does this election tell us about the state of American politics more broadly? Join us for the panel discussion “The 2024 US Presidential Election: What’s in the Cards?”.

Year 2023/2024
March 14: BridgeUSA: Exchange Program Opportunities in the US
March 9, 2024
We are excited to invite you to a special event featuring DAS Rebecca Pasini, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange, who will be speaking about the diverse range of BridgeUSA (J1) program categories available to both students and faculty.

Year 2019/2020
January 23: Renewable Energy Sources as Socio-technical Project
January 10, 2020
During the lecture, doctor Aleksandra Lis will present social aspects of energy production in Poland and Argentina, as well as the meaning of electric energy for different actors – communities, nations and companies.

Year 2019/2020
January 17: Star Trek seminar
January 7, 2020
The seminar consists of prior viewing of the two episodes of Star Trek and the following discussion led by our guest lecturer – Stefan Rabitsch from University of Graz. Read more, sign up and participate!

Year 2019/2020
January 16: “I Like Big Hats and I Cannot Lie”: Petasus Americanus or a Cultural History of Cowboy Hats
January 6, 2020
Stefan Rabitsch will argue during the lecture that cowboy hats do matter. Unlike other headwear, western hats—*petasus americanus*—have retained their potency and recognizability as a wearable signifiers of Americanness.

Year 2019/2020
December 19: Explaining Economic Backwardness. Post-1945 Polish Historians on Eastern Europe
December 7, 2019
Anna Sosnowska provides an insightful interpretation of how local and generational experience shaped the notions of post-1945 Polish historians about Eastern European backwardness, and how their debate influenced Western historical sociology, social theories of development and dependency in peripheral areas, and the image of Eastern Europe in Western, Marxist-inspired social science.

Year 2019/2020
November 14: From Warsaw to New York: Work and Travel Program
November 7, 2019
Work and travel program allows students to take up summer jobs in the United States and thus improve their English, gain signifacant working experience and travel around the US. The American consul will visit American Studies Center to talk about advantages of the work and travel program.

Year 2019/2020
November 14: Africa Within Haitian National Narratives
November 7, 2019
During the lecture Jhon Picard Byron from the State University of Haiti will speak of importance of Africa in the development of Haitian nationality.

Year 2019/2020
October 10: A Backward Glance Over the Much-Traveled Road of Postmodern Fiction
October 2, 2019
The lecture, given by Heinz Ickstadt, a Professor Emeritus in Kennedy Institut of Freie Universität in Berlin, will discuss the instability of the term “postmodernism” and the different shades of meaning it has gained from changing historical contexts as well as via the differing perspectives of a variety of disciplines.

Year 2019/2020
October 7: The US and Today’s Global Challenges
October 1, 2019
Daniel Fried, the US Department of State Assistant Secretary and former US Ambassador to Poland will spea of contemporary global challenges and how the US deals with them.