Tag Archive: news


All ASC Courses Switch to Remote Mode

October 18, 2020

Due to the new near-lockdown restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Rector has issued a new order that forbids all in-person instruction. That means from now on all ASC courses will be remote.

Marcin Rossa, mufu.pl


Equality and Anti-discrimination Actions at the UW

October 16, 2020

An equality university website presents comprehensive and practical information about what is discrimination, its types and examples, what to do in case of witnessing discrimination or being its victim, as well as which university and national institutions one can ask for support and help.



October 15, 2020

Ruszyła druga edycja konkursu minigrantów. O wsparcie projektów mogą ubiegać się zespoły badawcze składające się z przedstawicieli przynajmniej trzech uczelni sojuszu 4EU+.


Informacja na temat zajęć w OSA w semestrze zimowym 2020/2021

September 22, 2020

Tryb prowadzenia zajęć oraz narzędzia wykorzystywane w kształceniu zdalnym, Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich (OSA), Semestr zimowy 2020/21.


Druga edycja konkursu na minigranty dla międzyuczelnianych zespołów naukowych w ramach Sojuszu 4EU+

September 21, 2020

Pragniemy poinformować, że druga edycja konkursu na minigranty dla międzyuczelnianych zespołów naukowych w ramach Sojuszu 4EU+ została otwarta.


Festiwal Nauki 2020

September 17, 2020

The 24th edition of Festiwal Nauki in Warsaw that will take place on September 19-28, 2020. ASC is going to host four events that may interest you in particular.


ASC Library Opening hours

September 17, 2020

Due to the public health requirements to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Library’s operations and services have been modified.


Cultural Orientation at UW workshop, organized by the Welcome Point

September 16, 2020

We would like to invite you to the Cultural Orientation at UW workshop, organized by the Welcome Point.


ASC Library receives the book collection of the late Andrzej Wala

September 2, 2020

The American Studies Center Library has received a large collection of books belonging to the late Andrzej Wala.


Almost all ASC classes will be remote in the Fall semester

August 16, 2020

In the Fall semester 2020-21 almost all ASC instruction will be remote. This applies to large lectures, reading classes, proseminars and seminars.


Three ASC graduates recommended for UW Doctoral School of Humanities

August 12, 2020

Out of 13 candidates recommended this year for admission to the Doctoral School of Humanities, Culture and Religion Studies, three are ASC MA graduates: Ibrahim Mertcan Alcinkaya, Alicja Relidzynska and Sebastian Smolinski.


Działanie III.3.2. „Promocja badań naukowych” Programu „Inicjatywa doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza”.

August 4, 2020

Uprzejmie informujemy, że aktualnie trwa nabór w ramach Działania III.3.2. „Promocja badań naukowych” Programu „Inicjatywa doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza”.


ASC Office for Students’ Affairs

July 22, 2020

ASC Office for Students’ Affairs will be closed from July 27 to August 16.


Składanie wniosków o akademik

July 20, 2020

Od dnia 14 lipca studenci maja możliwość składania wniosków o akademik na rok akademicki 2020/2021. Na stronie Biura Spraw Studenckich http://bss.uw.edu.pl/sekcja-socjalna/ubieganie-sie-o-miejsce-w-domu-studenta/  pojawił się komunikat dotyczący terminów składania wniosków oraz rozpatrywania wniosków.

ASC Library


ASC Library receives a donation of science fiction scholarship

July 6, 2020

In Summer 2019, the American Studies Library received a large donation of science fiction books, both fiction and critical studies, from Prof. Joan Gordon. The books are being cataloged to become available to students and faculty within the next few months. 


NEW! Readings on American Race Relations

July 3, 2020

Since, as Americanists, we first of all see ourselves as educators committed to raising awareness of the complexity of the United States, including its racial legacies, the ASC faculty compiled a comprehensive set of resources on American race relations, which you can now find in the new “Resources” tab.

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