Tag Archive: news

Funds for promoting scientific research projects
February 2, 2021
Rules for reveiving funds for research projects whose popularisation will lead to the increased visibility of the University of Warsaw, its employees, and its ongoing scientific enquiries.

Zotero training for MA
January 29, 2021
On February 8, we invite all OSA MA students to take part in a free online Zotero training with prof. Paweł Frelik. The training will be held in Polish.

Institute of the Americas and Europe
January 24, 2021
Announcement regarding online exams at the Institute of the Americas and Europe in the fall semester 2020/2021.

Online meeting with Vice-Rector
January 22, 2021
On January 29, Prof. Sławomir Żółtek, will be answering questions regarding the organisation of classes in the upcoming semester.

Lecture: Demokracja po przejściach, Ameryka po wyborach
January 22, 2021
On January 27, prof. Bohdan Szklarski will take part in a lecture dealing with the post-election situation in the USA.

Festival “Imagining the Future”
Call for proposals
January 14, 2021
Students and the university staff of the University of Warsaw are invited to take part in Festival “Imagining the Future” held at the Sorbonne University.

WarSAW: Go & Explore
January 8, 2021
The ASC students and the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw invite you to a project created for those who seek inspiration and want to get to know Warsaw better by exploring its worth-seeing sites.

Lecture: Biden przejmuje stery
January 13, 2021
Join two ASC’s professors, Ryszard Schnepf and Bohdan Szklarski, on a session co-organized by the ASC and Centre for International Realtions on January 19, at 5 pm.

2020 PAAS MA Thesis Award
December 30, 2020
ASC students’ success in the 2020 MA Thesis Award presented by the Polish Association for American Studies for the best thesis written in American Studies.

Christmas wishes from
the ASC Director
December 23, 2020
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the ASC community!

The ASC library opening hours from December 1, 2020
November 27, 2020
Due to the public health requirements to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Library’s operations and services have been modified. Students may now have their books checked on several days a week upon an order.

Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2020
If it were not for the pandemic, we would hold our annual ASC Thanksgiving Party today. Although we cannot meet in person, on this special occasion, we wish you all good health, happiness and every success, academic and otherwise!

Democracy or Authoritarianism?
After the US Elections
November 22, 2020
The ASC’s Professor and the former Polish Ambassador to the USA, Ryszard Schnepf will moderate an online debate hosted by the Jagiellonian University and Polish Ambassadors’ Conference. The keynote speaker at this debate will be Donald Tusk.

Online workshops: Emotions management in epidemic
and post-epidemic world
November 19, 2020
The coronavirus outbreak is a particularly demanding and stressful time for us all. During the workshops you will learn about emotion regulation strategies and find out how to experience positive emotions more often in the context of Polish culture.

Meeting with Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching, Prof. Sławomir Żółtek
November 13, 2020
On November 17, during an online meeting, Professor Sławomir Żółtek will answer the students’ questions concerning academic year organization in time of pandemic.

CSM LIVE TALKS: Amerykanie i USA. Percepcja a rzeczywistość
October 30, 2020
Zapraszamy na kolejną rozmowę z cyklu CSM LIVE TALKS – EUROPA I ŚWIAT, organizowaną przez Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych oraz 2Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen.