Tag Archive: news


Wydziałowa Komisja Wyborcza Wydziału Polonistyki zwołuje zebranie w dniu 22 października 2019 r. (wtorek) o 16:00 w s. 4 (główny gmach Wydziału Polonistyki, kampus centralny)

October 10, 2019

P.T. Nauczycieli Akademickich UW mających tytuł profesora lub doktora habilitowanego, którzy zadeklarowali przynależność do dyscypliny nauki o kulturze i religii. W celu wyboru 18 członków Rady Naukowej Dyscypliny Nauki o Kulturze i Religii w kadencji 2019-2020


How to Survive at the ASC? Tips, Skills, and Know-How for the Academia

October 2, 2019

What do professors find most annoying? Why are some laid-back students very successful at exams, while others pull all-nighters and still struggle to get a pass? “Coming to class prepared” – what does it really mean?


On September 28 we celebrated the graduation of the ASC Class of 2019!

September 30, 2019

Congratulations to all graduates!


Stypendium m.st. Warszawy im. Jana Pawła II

September 26, 2019

Ten największy samorządowy program stypendialny w Polsce skierowany jest do uczniów szkół podstawowych i szkół ponadpodstawowych oraz studentów uczących się w Warszawie. Operatorem stypendiów jest Centrum Myśli Jana Pawła II, instytucja kultury m.st. Warszawy.


Festiwal nauki w OSA UW, Al. Niepodległości 22, Warszawa

September 12, 2019



Dear ASC Graduates, Faculty, Alumni and Friends,

July 2, 2019

SAVE THE DATE! The American Studies Center invites you to the ASC Graduation Ceremony of Class 2019. Join us at the BUW at Dobra 56/66 Street on Saturday, September 28th at 2 p.m. Details soon! See how it looked last yearSee our Facebook Event


EAAS 2020

June 19, 2019

American Studies Center is co-organizing the biggest American Studies conference in Europe next year! For more information visit our website at http://eaas2020.eu/ and our Facebook profile at https://www.facebook.com/eaas2020/


James F. Morrison

September 16, 2019

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of James F. Morrison, who suffered a fatal heart attack in Florida on September 11, 2019. In October he would have been 82 years old.


Finding your way around UW

September 9, 2019

American Studies Center at the University of Warsaw welcomes all new students! You might find it helpful to check the UW Welcome Point. You will learn how to explore the University campuses and the city: http://welcome.uw.edu.pl/during-your-stay/finding-your-way-around-uw/. Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Anna Sosnowska’s book has been published by Central European University Press!

June 6, 2019

“This beautifully written and engaging book is a veritable intellectual feast. Not only does it bring the rich scholarly tradition of the Polish historiography of ‘backwardness’ and ‘development’ to bear on global discussions of economic inequality; it also offers an opportunity to rethink […]

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