Tag Archive: news


ASC Classes Online (March 20, 2020)

March 20, 2020

The following classes will go online. Most probably you have already been contacted by your instructors. If not, it will take place soon. We are aware that the intensive course by dr. J. Wendland planned for May may not take place. Yet, do not worry. We know that some of you need it badly to graduate on time.


Attention! Important information during the closing of the University of Warsaw Library (BUW) (10.03 – 14.04.2020)

March 14, 2020

In order to prevent the COVID-19 disease spread among the UW community, the Rector of the University of Warsaw decided that the Library will be closed to readers from March 11 to April 14, 2020.


Student IDs will be automatically renewed until May 31st

March 13, 2020

Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education has now officially decided that your student IDs will be automatically renewed until May 31st, without the need to appear in the students’ office in person.


All ASC Classes and Lectures Cancelled until April 14, 2020 Due to the Coronavirus Outbreak

March 14, 2020

As was decreed by the Rector on  March 10, 2020, all regular classes and lectures scheduled for the period between March 11, 2020 and April 14, 2020 are cancelled.


Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Humanities and Social Sciences at the ASC

March 5, 2020

On March 5, 2020, at the Kazimierz Palace, the Executive Director of the US-Polish Fulbright Commission Justyna Janiszewska and Professor Maciej Duszczyk, the UW Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, signed an agreement establishing the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Humanities and Social Sciences at the American Studies Center.


The winning thesis got published

February 3, 2020

The American Studies Center is pleased to present the book “Between the Virgin of Guadalupe and la Malinche. Maternity of Mexicans in oral testimonies” published within the “Working Papers” series.


Erasmus+ agreements with the UK

February 6, 2020

Good news! Despite Brexit, the Erasmus+ agreements with the UK are still valid for the 2020/2021. B.A. students are welcome to apply for an Erasmus+ short-term studies at our partner institution in Sussex, England. More info: the IRO, UW and the ASC Mobility Coordinator.


Wybory 2020 na UW

January 17, 2020

Wiosną 2020 roku na Uniwersytecie odbędą się m.in. wybory rektora uczelni na kadencję 2020-2024, a także wybory członków Senatu UW. Wcześniej odbędą się wybory członków Kolegium Elektorów, którzy wybiorą rektora. O terminach zebrań wyborczych w poszczególnych okręgach będą informowały właściwe komisje wyborcze.


Christmas with the Psychological Counselling Centre

December 19, 2019

Psychologists from the UW Psychological Counselling Centre (CPP) will be available for UW students and employees also around Christmas time. Watch a video with Dr. Szymon Chrząstowski encouraging those who do not feel comfortable in this period or face some difficult situations, to come for short conversations.


UW as a research university – an excellence initiative

December 19, 2019

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded UW in the first competition in the framework of the “Excellence initiative – research university” programme. Out of 20 applications submitted in response to the call, the Ministry has selected 10 HEIs.


4EU+ information meeting

December 19, 2019

On 5th December, the University of Warsaw organised a 4EU+ information meeting for its entire academic community.


The Polish Word of the Year – poll

December 19, 2019

Until 31st December, one can vote for a word or expression which, in their opinion, has great resonance for the year 2019. Słowo Roku 2019 (Word of the Year 2019) will be announced at the beginning of January by the UW linguists who organise the event.


UW congratulates Olga Tokarczuk

December 9, 2019

On 9th and 10th December, at the University of Warsaw, there will be an action called “UW congratulates Olga Tokarczuk”. Members of the UW academic community will have an opportunity to congratulate Nobel Prize laureate. The author of “The Books of Jacob” (Księgi Jakubowe) or “Flights” (Bieguni) graduated from the UW Faculty of Psychology.


Spotkanie informacyjne 4EU+

November 27, 2019

5 grudnia w godz. od 9.00 do 11.30 w dawnej Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej odbędzie się spotkanie informacyjne dotyczące działań zaplanowanych dla Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w ramach Sojuszu 4EU+ oraz projektu „Uniwersytety Europejskie”. Mogą wziąć w nim udział wszyscy członkowie społeczności UW.


Dr hab. Sylwia Kuźma-Markowska awarded OPUS research project

November 25, 2019

We are excited to announce a new research project to be conducted at the American Studies Center! Dr hab. Sylwia Kuźma-Markowska’s project entitled “Polish Immigrant and Second-Generation Women in the United States: Private and Intimate Lives (1890-1940)” will be funded by the National Science Center in the OPUS 17 scheme.

Erasmus annoucements

Erasmus Days 2019

November 20, 2019

If you consider applying for Erasmus+ exchange program this year, do not miss Erasmus Days organized by the International Relations Office on the 26th and 28th of November.

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