Tag Archive: news

Dołącz do Akademii Młodych Polskich Innowatorów i wygraj płatny staż!
January 23, 2025
Chcesz wziąć udział w stażu w amerykańskiej firmie? Masz 18–26 lat? Interesujesz się przedsiębiorczością, mediami lub sprawami publicznymi? Chcesz zdobyć wiedzę i doświadczenie od ekspertów z USA i Polski, a także pracować nad innowacyjnym projektem, który odpowie na aktualne wyzwania gospodarcze i społeczne dla Polski? Jesteś z Warszawy lub jesteś gotowy/a dojeżdżać do stolicy na warsztaty i staż? Jeżeli na powyższe pytania odpowiedź brzmi TAK!, to dołącz do programu „Pathfinders of Tomorrow: Akademia Młodych Polskich Innowatorów”, który łączy młodych liderów z praktykami, by wspólnie tworzyć nowatorskie rozwiązania.

ASC Library has received funding from the Social Responsibility of Science
December 12, 2024
ASC Library has received funding from the Social Responsibility of Science (SON) program — “Support for Scientific Libraries,” implemented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Year 2024/2025
Recruitment for the MOST program for the Spring Semester 2024/2025
November 6, 2024
Dear Students, Recruitment for the MOST program for the Spring Semester 2024/2025 has begun and will last until November 31st.

Three NCN Sonata grants for ASC scholars
May 26, 2024
Three ASC scholars – Dr. Jędrzej Burszta, Dr. Ludmiła Janion and Dr. Joanna Mąkowska were awarded scientific grants in the Sonata 19 competition organized by the National Science Center (NCN)

UW Language Career Fair
February 28, 2024
UW Careers Office and the initiative “Applied Linguistics Students in the Labour Market” would like to invite you to take part in the UW Language Career Fair!

University of Warsaw is currently offering trial access to the DeGruyter Database
February 19, 2024
University of Warsaw is currently offering trial access to the DeGruyter Database, with access to original sources, text collections, reference works, and bibliographies.

Dr. Joanna Mąkowska was admitted to the program for young female researchers and teachers
February 13, 2024
Dr. Mąkowska will receive financial support to implement her individual research plan and will work with experienced mentors to effectively navigate her academic career.

Dr Anna Kurowicka received a NAWA Bekker scholarship
February 10, 2024
The scholarship will fund a 6-month long research stay at the Humboldt University in Berlin. A flagship program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), the Bekker Program promotes international mobility of researchers and PhD students.

Student Research Grants Are Back!
February 5, 2024
After the long pandemic break, the American Studies Center is pleased to announce a competition for research grants for MA and BA students to support their work on their MA theses and BA papers.

Prof. Frelik in a Horizon Europe grant!
January 30, 2024
ASC’s own Paweł Frelik is a member of the consortium that has won a prestigious Horizon Europe grant!

Prof. Karolina Krasuska with the 2023 Cashmere Subvention Grant
December 20, 2023
Congratulations to Prof. Karolina Krasuska for winning the 2023 Cashmere Subvention Grant for Jewish, Gender, and Women’s Studies of the Gender Justice Caucus, Association for Jewish Studies!

UW offers access to Drama Online Database
September 23, 2023
University of Warsaw offers a trial access to Drama Online Database, with playtext content and scholarly publications.

Dr. Anna Kurowicka in a EAAS Women’s Network Steering Committee
September 7, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Anna Kurowicka on joining the European Association for American Studies Women’s Network Steering Committee!

Prof. Paweł Frelik with a prestigious award
August 22, 2023
Prof. Paweł Frelik has received the Innovative Research Award given annually by the Science Fiction Research Association (USA) for the year’s best critical article in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

International Virtual Exchange Project for BA students
August 16, 2023
Enter a six-week online exchange with students from American university and discuss numerous aspects surrounding accessibility.

Additional round of registrations for MA candidates
August 10, 2023
The second round of registrations for our MA program is now open! It will end on September 11.