Tag Archive: events

Year 2020/2021

May 5: Is America Doomed? A Critical Reflection from the Inside

May 5, 2021

Leadership Studies Group invites for a conversation with Charlie Leduff, an outspoken social critic, Pulitzer winning journalist-writer, and one of the leading public intellectuals in contemporary America, on the direction in which American society and politics are heading.

American Studies Colloquium Series

April 29: Queer Ecological Networks

April 29, 2021

In this talk, Sam McBean will offer a reading of Ren Hang’s photography to explore its queer play with forms and patterning by revisiting shapes, intimacies and body affiliations present in his work.

Year 2020/2021

April 28: Digital Americas Warm-up: “Showdown on the Pixel Frontier” with John Wills

April 28, 2021

In this talk, John Wills will explore the nineteenth-century American West as a popular gameworld and discuss issues of storytelling, stereotyping, and myth-making in the Western video game genre.

American Studies Colloquium Series

April 22: Hey honey, I think we should move…’: Gothic Property, (Re)Possession, and economic horror in the long 1980s

April 16, 2021

This lecture by Sorcha Ní Fhlainn examines touchstone films of the 1980s to reveal social and ethnic anxieties around property and homeownership, and posits the decade’s reigning ideology as a failed economic project.

American Studies Colloquium Series

April 15: The Heartland: Myth and History

April 15, 2021

The American heartland refers to a quintessentially all-American place: white, buffered, bunkered, isolationist, exceptionalist, and local. In this lecture, Kristin Hoganson will take the history of a seemingly local place in a seemingly local time to turn the myth of the American heartland inside out.

Year 2020/2021

April 13: Ze wszystkich istot nadprzyrodzonych najszkodliwszy. Wilkołaki w słowiańskim folklorze

April 13, 2021

In this lecture, we will be looking at werewolves and their presence in Polish folklore. Katarzyna Bielicka will talk about the transformation process described by ethnographers, the effect of werewolves on pagan religions, and accidents when werewolves saved someone’s life.

Year 2020/2021

April 12: Hate in the Homeland –
Right-wing Extremism in the USA

April 12, 2021

During the talk, Cynthia Miller-Idriss, a renown sociologist and public policy analyst, will share her thoughts on the rise of right wing extremism in the United States, derived from her recent book, “Hate in the Homeland.” The event is organized by the Leadership Studies Group.

Year 2020/2021

April 8: Race in US Popular Culture. Presentation of ASC Students’ Articles Published in “View”

April 8, 2021

In this academic session three ASC students, Anna Maria Grzybowska, Karolina Toka and Jakub Olech, will discuss and celebrate the publication of their articles, originally written for the Research Proseminar „Race in American Film” taught by Prof. Agnieszka Graff in the Spring of 2020.

Year 2020/2021

March 29: Customary Strangers: Double Mirroring of Otherness in Eastern-Western Vampire Narratives

March 29, 2021

The Vampire serves as a perfect embodiment of the Other of all sorts: racial, sexual, ethnic, gender and class. The main objective of this lecture is to provide a comparative description of Vampire Narratives as collective fantasies about the radical otherness.

Year 2020/2021

March 22: American Leadership in the World – a Myth or Reality?

March 18, 2021

Leadership Studies Group invites all followers of American politics to a meeting with professor Roman Kuźniar, a distinguished expert in international relations, a diplomat, and an advisor to the President of the Polish Republic Bronisław Komorowski.

American Studies Colloquium Series

March 18: The Art of the Jewish Family: Early American Women’s History Through Objects

March 18, 2021

In this lecture, Laura Arnold Leibman examines objects owned by Jewish women living in New York between 1750 and 1850, exploring the intimate and tangible views into their beliefs, values and lifestyles, and revealing the social and religious structures that led to Jewish women being erased from historical archives.

Year 2020/2021

February 25: Q&A with Comic Book Artist Shawn Martinbrough

February 25, 2021

Shawn Martinbrough, a comic book artist, who has made projects for DC Comics, Marvel and Dark Horse Comics will be a guest of prof. Paweł Frelik during the Q&A session. He will discuss the diversifying role of comics, his personal story, and influences on his work.

American Studies Colloquium Series

January 28: Cyberfeminism, an Orthodox Version in North America: Social Media as a Counterpublic Transformative Space of Religiosity

January 28, 2021

Our next guest, Jessica Roda from Georgetown University will give a talk on the usage of social media by ultra-Orthodox women, as a tool for the development of cyberfeminism(s) in the transformative counterpublic space reinforcing religious norms and authority.

Year 2020/2021

January 25: Weird Space Junkies: Speculations on the Psychedelic

January 25, 2021

In this lecture, Jędrzej Burszta proposes to examine the cultural history of psychedelic science fiction in the United States, focusing on the legacy of the 1960s New Wave movement.

American Studies Colloquium Series

January 21: Refugees and Racial Capitalism: What “Integration” in the US Labor Market Means?

January 21, 2021

This talk by Elizabeth Cullen Dunn focuses on the situation of refugees during the COVID-19 epidemic, by discussing the example of the American meatpacking industry, which relies heavily on refugees resettled by the US Department of State.

Year 2020/2021

January 18: The Ur-Savage: The Anthropological Horror of Green Inferno and Bone Tomahawk

January 18, 2021

This lecture aims to elaborate on the problem of presenting indigenous people as a threat in current horror cinema, and to analyze it through the lenses of growing racist and far-right ideologies in the USA.

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