Tag Archive: events

Year 2020/2021

December 1: Weird Fiction and Ecological Thought

December 1, 2020

This meeting will lay out some key concepts useful for thinking the relation between contemporary (New) Weird fictions and ecological thought.

American Studies Colloquium Series

November 26: Like a Thief in the Night: Pandemic and the Culture of Healing

November 26, 2020

The pandemic is a virus, but it is more than this: it is a dramatic symptom of the malaise of the way of life, a sharp curve which we cannot fail to negotiate. Starting from the 17th century time of the plague, we shall be asking questions how to survive the crisis, how to live on, and how to think the change without which our future is bleak.

Year 2020/2021

November 23: Ecological Intimacies in the Anthropocene: Horror, Ethics, and the Shadow of Nonhuman Difference

November 23, 2020

In this talk, Brittany Roberts will argue that the horror genre offers a powerful means of confronting the traumas of the Anthropocene and, concurrently, imagining more ethical ecological futures and rethinking what it means to be human on an environmentally devastated planet.

Picture: Protestors marching at the Stonewall Riots in New York City in 1969. Diana Davies; New York Public Library, history.com

Year 2020/2021

November 20: Q&A with Activist and LGBT Pioneer Mark Segal

November 20, 2020

A live Q&A session in English on ZOOM with Mark Segal – a participant at the Stonewall rebellion, a founding member of Gay Liberation Front and founder of Gay Youth, organized by The U.S. Embassy, InterAlia journal and the ASC.

American Studies Colloquium Series

November 19: Showdown at Fort Miamis: The Anglo-American Crisis of 1794

November 19, 2020

In this talk, Michael S. Kochin from Tel Aviv University will show how the Anglo-American crisis of 1794 displays the United States as both a rising empire and a revolutionary and subversive power.

Year 2020/2021

November 18: Post-elections in the USA. Legal challenges to electoral procedures in American democracy

November 18, 2020

Leadership Studies Group (LSG) invites all who are concerned with the outcome of the 2020 elections to take part in a virtual ZOOM conversation with prof. Pawel Laidler from the Jagiellonian University.

Year 2020/2021

November 3: US Elections 2020

November 3, 2020

Zapraszamy na rozmowę wykładowców Ośrodka Studiów Amerykańskich UW na temat napływających pierwszych wyników wyborów prezydenckich w USA 2020.

Year 2020/2021

October 22: Freedom Riders with Stanley Nelson

October 14, 2020

A virtual conversation with acclaimed documentary maker Stanley Nelson, who will discuss his award-winning film Freedom Riders. Stanley Nelson is today’s leading documentarian of the African-American experience.

Year 2020/2021

October-November: How to Survive at ASC? A Three-Part Online Seminar for BA Freshers

October 4, 2020

A Three-Part Online Seminar for BA Freshers that will help you to start your new adventure at the ASC. Join us for useful tips, skills and the academic know-how.


October 3, 2020 at 4pm, ONLINE; ASC Welcome Event 2020

October 3, 2020

ASC Freshers, Undergraduate and Graduate, join us virtually for the ASC Welcome Event 2020!


October 1, 2020 at 10am, ONLINE; Discussion about the first presidential Biden – Trump debate

September 30, 2020

Leadership Studies Section invites for a discussion about the first presidential Biden – Trump debate and general significance of debates in American presidential campaigns.


Festiwal Nauki 2020

September 17, 2020

The 24th edition of Festiwal Nauki in Warsaw that will take place on September 19-28, 2020. ASC is going to host four events that may interest you in particular.

Year 2019/2020

June 9: On Looting Black Bodies and the Social Contract in America

June 9, 2020

The mainstream coverage of the protests triggered by the death of George Floyd, racist cliches in the social media, and the alarming comments of politicians reveal the urgent need to discuss the tensions and mechanisms that contribute to the situation now happening all over the United States. This panel is our modest attempt to struggle with ignorance.

Year 2019/2020

June 5: The Day of the Hybrids

June 5, 2020

Weird Fictions Research Group is inviting students and early career researchers interested in all types of weird fictions to participate in online workshops and lecture on hybrids and monsters! Together we will work on the ‘monstrous,’ unfinished texts and discuss the anxieties concerning them.

Year 2019/2020

June 4: U.S. Foreign Policy in Eastern and Central Europe

June 4, 2020

Richard Payne-Holmes, an External Political Unit Chief at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, during his presentation will speak about the U.S. Foreign Policy in Eastern and Central Europe.

American Studies Colloquium Series

May 28: An Erotic Toolkit: Asexual and Aromantic Critiques of Heteronormativity

May 28, 2020

This talk will explore the feminist, queer, and anti-racist tradition of the erotic, drawing on Audre Lorde’s work in particular. Ela Przybylo will discuss how the erotic provides a distinct model for theorizing relating that creates space for the inclusion of asexuality and challenges compulsory sexuality. 

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