Tag Archive: erasmus

Erasmus annoucements
Stipend at the University of Florida, Gainesville
January 31, 2023
Two stipends at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida, Gainesville! Apply before February 26, 2023.

Year 2021/2022
January 26: ASC Student Exchange Programs: Information meeting
January 26, 2022
Interested in Erasmus+, a semester at University of Florida, or other foreign exchanges? Join a Zoom meeting with the ASC Mobility Coordinator dr Ludmiła Janion to find out about recruitment criteria, deadlines and rules of participation in student exchanges.

University of Florida 2024/2025 Stipends
February 11, 2024
The American Studies Center offers twp stipends for 2024/2025 Fall or Spring semester at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida. Applications should be sumbitted by the end of February.

Erasmus annoucements
Erasmus Days 2019
November 20, 2019
If you consider applying for Erasmus+ exchange program this year, do not miss Erasmus Days organized by the International Relations Office on the 26th and 28th of November.