Open Academic Sessions (OZN)
The OZN program aims to improve the intellectual development of ASC students through participation in a variety of extracurricular academic activities, such as public lectures, debates, seminars and festivals.
What is it?
OZN points are a record of participation in extracurricular academic activities that are meant to enhance ASC students’ intellectual development. This requirement is designed to be an incentive for participation in numerous public lectures, debates, seminars or cultural events such as film festivals.
While the OZN calendar is kept full by the coordinator, many OZN events are suggested by faculty and students. We strongly encourage student initiative — the whole point is for you to attend events that interest you!
How it works?
Each ASC student should obtain an OZN card at the beginning of their study cycle. It is used to document all points collected for participation in particular events. Make sure to obtain a a signature from the organizer on your OZN card during in-person events (for online events see below).
Download your OZN card
We do not approve ASC events after the fact.
If a signature cannot be obtained, you may visit the OZN coordinator during her office hours within 14 days of the event and get her signature.
OZN points are not attached to any single semester.
You should collect them and receive credit throughout your studies. The minimum OZN requirement for BA studies is 50 points, and 30 points for MA studies (see tables with grading below).
What can I get credits for?
- All guest lectures, workshops, and seminars organized at the ASC (we especially recommend the American Studies Colloquium Series) – 3 OZN
- Special lectures, workshops, and seminars organized by educational units or institutions other than the ASC (we recommend such events on the OZN page on Facebook) – 2 OZN
- Other events suggested by students and approved by the OZN coordinator (in order to suggest an event, send a link to the coordinator in the private message to the OZN Facebook page at least a week in advance, so it can be posted for all to see) – 1 or 2 OZN (to be decided by the coordinator)
- Movie screenings, especially documentaries – 1 OZN (screening only) or 2 OZN (if there is a discussion or a panel following the screening)
- Active participation in academic conferences (presenting a paper at a conference during the studies fulfills the entire OZN requirement with an excellent grade [5]).
- Publications in academic journals (an article in a serious journal i.e. one that has an ISSN number and publishes regularly; an article has to be in Polish or English and concern American or cultural studies) fulfills the entire OZN requirement with an excellent grade [5]).
- Participation in ASC Student Seminars (Koło Naukowe) and Research Groups (Grupy Badawcze) (organizers receive double number of points) – groups’ supervisors decide the exact number of points
In special cases
- help with conference organization at the ASC
- help in organizing various ASC academic events
- help in research by an ASC faculty
- additional elective courses in place of OZNs of adequate ECTS count (note that this option requires getting permission from the Counselor for Students’ Affairs)
- work-study programs at institutions such as the American Embassy
- publications in WASP, the ASC student journal (editors of the journal can negotiate the number of OZN points with the coordinator)
Collecting OZN points online
Please keep a record of all the online talks, museum visits, discussions, and courses you attend online, so we can allocate OZN points for those.
- Online lecture organized by the ASC – 2 OZN
- Online lecture/talk organized by another institution – 1 OZN
- Online seminar/workshop (includes readings and assignments) – 1 OZN per hour (consultation with OZN coordinator required)
- Online museum visit, other “passive” activities – 1 OZN
- Completed online course organized by an institution of higher learning – 10 OZN
What is the basis for getting OZN points online?
You need to keep a detailed record of all the online events:
- Enter each event in your OZN card, include the date, title, speaker, and the name of the website/institution organizing the event.
- Keep a printscreen record of all the online talks, museum visits, discussions, and courses you attend online.
- In a single file collect notes from each event attended (they can be very brief depending on the topic and form).
The OZN Grade
Have you collected all the OZN points required by your program of studies?
To get your grade, you need to submit all the following documents in one email addressed both to the OZN Coordinator, Marta Usiekniewicz ( and the Student Office represented by Aleksandra Gniadzik-Smolińska for students with names starting A-Ł (
- Scan of completed OZN card listing all online and irl events you have attended
- One file with notes/scans of notes and print screens confirming your attendance
- Optional: any certifications for courses attended, volunteer work completed, etc.
Please make sure to include the number of points collected into the body of your email to the Coordinator and the Student Office.
Make sure you label the attachments in an obvious and clear way. Only complete submissions addressed to correct recipients will be accepted! Ensure that you received a confirmation of points from the Coordinator.
Submission deadlines:
June 19, 2024 for those planning to defend in June/July
September 8, 2024 for those planning to defend in September
The OZN grade depends on the number of hours:
B.A. students entering the ASC in 2018/2019 and later:
50-54 | dostateczny (3) |
55-59 | dostateczny plus (3+) |
60-64 | dobry (4) |
65-69 | dobry plus (4+) |
70 | bardzo dobry (5) |
B.A. students entering the ASC in 2017-2018:
40-44 | dostateczny (3) |
45-49 | dostateczny plus (3+) |
50-54 | dobry (4) |
55-59 | dobry plus (4+) |
60 | bardzo dobry (5) |
M.A. students:
30-33 | dostateczny (3) |
34-39 | dostateczny plus (3+) |
40-43 | dobry (4) |
44-49 | dobry plus (4+) |
50 | bardzo dobry (5) |
OZN Coordinator