The New Americanist
A Peer-Reviewed Journal of the American Studies Center
The New Americanist is an interdisciplinary journal publishing scholarly work on the United States and the Americas broadly considered. We are especially interested in work which includes a global perspective, introduces new critical approaches, and proposes theoretical frameworks to the study of the US. We welcome contributions from scholars from around the world and across the humanities and the social sciences.
We particularly seek writing focused on developments in literary and cultural studies, film and media, and history and politics as it relates to the most pressing social issues of our time. We are open to a broad range of perspectives, but we are particularly keen to platform historically marginalized or otherwise disadvantaged voices.
Since the Spring of 2023, the ASC’s New Americanist has been published by Edinburgh University Press in cooperation with the University of Warsaw. Future issues of the journal will be available on the Edinburgh University Press website.
Matthew Chambers, American Studies Center, University of Warsaw
Editorial Board
Paulina Ambrozy, Adam Mickiewicz University
Charlotte Beyer, University of Gloucestershire
Christopher Breu, Illinois State University
Keith Feldman, UC Berkeley
Dominika Ferens, University of Wroclaw
Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Tim Jelfs, University of Groningen
Daniel Kane, Uppsala University
Josephine Metcalf, University of Hull
Benjamin Railton, Fitchburg State University
David Schmid, University at Buffalo
Roberto Tejada, University of Houston
The New Americanist announces calls for papers for every issue, but we welcome abstract proposals at any time. Please submit a 350-word abstract and 200-word biographical note at
Style Guidelines
The typescript should be double-spaced throughout, including offset quotations and footnotes, in 12 point type. Quotation marks should be double, single for quotes in quotes. We use US spelling and punctuation. All submissions should be formatted according to the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
In order to be considered an author or co-author of an article in The New Americanist, a person must:
1) have made substantial contributions to the work
2) be willing to accept accountability for the work that was done and its presentation in a publication.
The contributions to the manuscript of anyone who does not meet this criteria should be listed in the acknowledgements section. For example, things like general mentoring, collecting data, acting as study coordinator or providing comments on early versions of the manuscript do not constitute authorship, but should be noted in the acknowledgements for an article.
Publication Ethics
We commit ourselves to the highest standard in publication ethics. The New Americanist publishes only original scholarship which has been subject to double-blind peer review. We have a strict policy against plagiarism and defamation, and we seek editorial best practices, including fair editing, avoiding conflicts of interest, and the assurance of confidentiality for submitted work.
For any other questions on authorship (or other aspects of publication ethics) please click here.
Authors will receive a pdf. copy of their article and a 30-day access token to the journal online.
Open Access and Self-Archiving
There is no charge to submit or publish in the journal. All EUP journals are published on a Green Open Access basis, whereby authors are allowed to deposit a pre-publication version of their contribution on their personal or departmental web page and in their institutional repository. Authors are also permitted to deposit a pre-publication version of their contribution in a non-commercial subject repository one year following publication in print. The Version of Record of the article, as it appears in the journal following layout and proof correction, may not be deposited by authors in institutional repositories. Please visit our Copyright and Open Access Licenses page for full details of our self-archiving policy for all EUP journals.
Authors can also choose to pay a fee to make their article freely available online immediately via the EUP journals website through the Edinburgh Open scheme which provides an optional Gold Open Access route to publication in all Edinburgh University Press journals. Please visit our Open Access page for full information on the scheme.
Author Copyright Form
Prospective authors, please click here to download the author copyright form for submission with your article.
English Language Editing Service
Edinburgh University Press collaborates with Enago to provide Academic English editing and translation services to help authors get their manuscript submission-ready. A special 20% discount is available for all EUP Authors. For more information, please visit
Discounts for Authors
Journal Authors are entitled to a 40% discount on the journal issue containing their paper, all EUP books and any journal subscription. Please contact to order books at discount and for discounted journal subscriptions.