dr hab. Włodzimierz Batóg, prof. ucz.

email: w.batog@uw.edu.pl
Profile: ORCID
Room 3.057
Office hours in Spring semester 2024/25:
Wednesdays, 08:00 – 09:45
Professor of history at the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw, Batog authored two research books of American radical Left: Wywrotowcy? Komunistyczna Partia USA we wczesnym okresie zimnej wojny, 1945 – 1954 (Subversives? Communist Party USA in the early Cold War, 1945 – 1954), and Protesty studentów uniwersytetów Ivy League przeciw wojnie wietnamskiej, 1965 – 1970 (Protests of Ivy League university students against the war i Vietnam, 1965 – 1970). His third book, on Billy Graham’s visit to Poland in 1978 (Mosty wzajemnego zrozumienia. Wizyta Billy’ego Grahama w Polsce w październiku 1978 roku; Bridges of Mutual Understanding. Billy Graham’s Visit to Poland in October 1978) is forthcoming from the University of Warsaw Press. He received research grants to Germany, Austria, The Netherlands and the United States to Boston College, New York University, the Library of Congress and National Archives. His research interests include American social history and American radical left. He is now working on articles on eugenic aspects of immigration to the United States.
Mosty zwzajemnego zrozumienia. Wizyta Billy’ego Grahama w Polsce w październiku 1978 roku (Bridges of Mutual Understanding. Billy Graham’s Visit to Poland in October 1978), Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2022.
Evangelical Aspirations and Cold War Realities: Billy Graham Behind the Iron Curtain, „Journal of Church and State” 2020, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 485 – 505.
Mosty wzajemnego zrozumienia. Wizyta Billy Grahama w Polsce w październiku 1978 roku – przebieg i skutki (Bridges of Mutual Understanding. Billy Graham’s Visit to Poland in October 1978, Its Course and Impact), „Dzieje Najnowsze” 2019, no. 3, pp. 290 – 339.
Przestrzeń miejska a uniwersytet jako przykład konfliktu społeczno – politycznego w Nowym Jorku i Berkeley (Urban Space and University as an example of a socio – political conflict in New York and Berkeley, 1968 – 1969), „Białostockie Teki Historyczne” 2018, vol. 16, p. 211.
Park Ludowy w Berkeley. Konflikt polityczny o przestrzeń publiczną w Kalifornii w 1969 r. (People’s Park In Berkeley. The Political Conflict over Public Space in California in 1969), „Dzieje Najnowsze” 2017, no. 3, XLIX.
Moratorium, ROTC, IDA, Dow. Studencki ruch antywojenny w USA w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku (Moratorium, ROTC, IDA, Dow. Student anti-war Movement In the 1960s United States), „Czas wojny, czas pokoju. Stany Zjednoczone w XX wieku”, Białystok 2015.
Courses (selected)
The United States in the 1960s
The United States in the 1950s
Life according to “Life”. American Society in the Lens of Life Magazine photographers
Social and Cultural History of the United States in the 19th Century
Social and Political Movements in the United States in the 20th Century
Hobbies/non-academic interests
photography, The Rolling Stones, aviation