prof. dr hab. Stanisław Obirek

profile: ORCID
Room 3.028
Office hours in Spring semester 2024/25:
Wednesdays, 14:45 – 15:45
Full professor of humanities, Obirek, a culture anthropologist. He was a visiting professor in Holy Cross College in Worcester MA, and a fellow in St. Louis University. His books include The Jesuits in the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania, 1564-1668 (1996); Winged Mind. Walter Ong’s Anthropology of Word (2010); with Zygmunt Bauman, On God and Man. Conversations (2013); with Arno Tausch, Global Catholicism, Tolerance and Open Society. An Empirical Study of the Value Systems of Roman Catholics (2020). At present, he is working on a book dealing with global understanding of postsecularism. He is interested in the place of religion in modern cultures, interreligious dialogue, and strategies for overcoming conflicts between different civilizations and cultures.
Role at the ASC
member of evaluation commission
Special Invitation for Centennial Symposium on Pope John Paul II (1920-2005): Roman Catholicism, Polish History and the Cold War, at the Remarque Institute New York University, 2020.
Guest professor at Universita di Genova lecture for scholars The Church and Power… Polish Example June 2020.
Guest professor at LUISS University Rome with lecture Freedom of conscience and the right to profess one’s faith, in March 2018.
Guest professor at University La Sapienza Rome with two lectures: Religions and Intercultural Studies: The future of religion – between post-secularization and religious fundamentalism, and Zygmunt Bauman’s contribution to understanding the liquid world. A personal story, in March 2017.
Special Invitation for Festival of Religions in Florence and participation on round table discussion with Zygmunt Bauman on our book On God and Man, May 2015.
“Fraktalna interpretacja religijnej różnorodności,” w: Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe, 1/37, 2022, pp. 13–25.
“Czy judaizm i chrześcijaństwo to dwie religie?,” w: Kwartalnik Historii Żydów, 2/282, 2022, s. 241-260.
Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society. An Empirical Study of the Value Systems of Roman Catholics, with Arno Tausch, Springer International Publishing 2020.
The Challenge of Postsecularism, in: Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics, 2/13, 2019, p. 239-250.
“Why the Polish Pope Became the Highest (not only Moral) Authority for So Many Poles,” in: Rivista di storia del cristianesimo, 15, 2018, p. 147-154.
Of God and Man, with Zygmunt Bauman, Polity, Cambridge 2015.
On the World and Ourselves, with Zygmunt Bauman, Polity, Cambridge 2015.
Courses (selected)
History of Philosophy in the USA
Cultural Implications of the Holocaust in the USA, Israel and Europe
Dialogue as a way to overcome cultural divisions in the America
Modern Jewish Thought in the USA
Post-secularism and Religions in time of Globalization
Liberation Theology in America
Hobbies/non-academic interests
Jazz and classical music