dr Renata Siuda-Ambroziak

An associate professor, specializing in Cultural and Religious Studies and Polish immigration studies in Brazil. She holds a Post-Doc in Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil) and specializes in Law of Intellectual Property Protection. She leads Brazilian research groups: “Religions, Faiths and Spirituality in the Context of Health and Healing Processes” (UFSC) and “Poles and Polish Descendants in Brazil” (USP) and has been awarded various research scholarships: Fellow Mundus (2015); CAPES – Brasil (2018); CAPES – Brasil (2019); UERJ research scholarship (2020-2021). She performed research at SUNY Buffalo (2019). She is editor-in-chief of the Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review, and the author of the monograph Religia w Brazylii. Uwarunkowania społeczno-kulturowe (Religion in Brazil: Socio-Cultural Determinants).
Role at the ASC
Vice-Director for Students’ Affairs (2016-2020)
Editor-in-chief of the Revista del CESLA. International Latin American Studies Review (2016-)
Member of the Didactic Council (2016-)
Leader of the Brazilian research group (CNPq) on: “Religions, Faiths and Spirituality in the Context of Health and Healing Processes”
Leader of the Polish-Brazilian research group: “Poles and Polish Descendants in Brazil,” affiliated at the University of Sao Paulo, LEER
Member of the following Brazilian research groups: on migration studies (LABIMI) at Rio de Janeiro State University; on ethnicity (LEER) at the University of Sao Paulo; on modern Catholicism at the Pontifical University of Minas Gerais; and on religious studies (LARM) at Rio de Janeiro State University
Research scholarship in Brazil: Nov. 2014-March. 2015 Fellow Mundus Scholarship at the Federal University of Santa Catarina; in 2018 the first Pole to receive the most prestigious annual CAPES scholarship for foreign researchers at the federal level; in 2019 – a monthly CAPES scholarship at the University of Sao Paulo; in 2020 – a two-year Rio de Janeiro State University research scholarship
Invited professorship in many Brazilian universities at the state (Rio de Janeiro, Maringa) and federal levels (Bahia, Santa Catarina, Parana, Santa Maria, Espirito Santo), as well as at private universities (Universo, Unisinos)
Invited professorship at Daemen College (NY) as part of the Institute of International Education teaching exchange, researcher at SUNY Buffalo
The Miniatura 4 grant from the NCN (2020)
“Religious leaders in politics: Rio de Janeiro under the mayor-bishop in the times of the pandemic” (co-author: Joana Bahia) International Journal of Latin American Religions, ISSN: 2509-9957, 4/2020, p. 360–379(2020), Springer Nature, s. DOI: 10.1007/s41603-020-00123-1
Brazil-Poland. Focus on Religion. Solange Ramos de Andrade, Renata Siuda-Ambroziak, Ewa Stachowska (eds), Maringá: Ed. Diálogos da UEM, 2019, ISBN: 978-83-62992-21-8, p. 340.
Brazil-Poland. Focus on Migration. Erica Sarmiento, Renata Siuda-Ambroziak (eds.), Warszawa, Rio de Janeiro: UNIVERSO, 2019, ISBN: 978-83-62992-21-8, p. 235.
“Benzedeiras: lights and shadows of the religious healing practice in Brazilian folk Catholicism”, Studia Religiologica, tom 52, nr 3, 2019, p. 191- 204, ISSN 0137-2432; e-ISSN 2084-4077, doi:10.4467/20844077SR.19.014.11373
“Jumping into faith – the Phenomenon of Brazilian Pentecostal Conversions”, Studia Religiologica, tom 51, nr 1, 2018, p. 11-32, ISSN 0137-2432; e-ISSN 2084-4077, doi: 10.4467/20844077SR.18.002.9491.
“The sacrifice, the feast and the power of the priesthood in the Xangô cult of Recife” (współautor: Roberto Motta), Studia Religiologica, tom.51, z. 4, 2018, p. 279-295 DOI 10.4467/20844077SR.18.020.10151 , ISSN: 0137-2432.
“Health and wealth in contemporary Brazilian religious culture”, Przegląd Religioznawczy, nr. 4(270)/2018, p. 31-48, ISSN: 1230-4379.
“Religious Market and Its Entrepreneurs: Comparative Perspective on Brazil and Poland”, (współautor: Ewa Stachowska), Management Issues, vol. 15, nr 3 (70), cz. 2, 2017, s. 24 – 44, ISSN: 1644-9584.
Religia w Brazylii. Uwarunkowania społeczno-kulturowe, Kraków: ZW NOMOS, 2015, s. 266. ISBN: 978-83-7688-188-1.
Courses (selected)
Intellectual Property Protection
Christianity in the New World: Comparative Studies
Modern Latin American Issues
Religions and Religiosities in Latin American Cultures and Societies
Key Methods in Cultural Studies
Methodology of Research