dr Matthew Chambers

email: mj.chambers@uw.edu.pl
Room 3.057
Office hours in Spring semester 2024/25:
Fridays, 11:30-12:30
Matthew Chambers is an associate professor at the American Studies Center, University of Warsaw. He was recently the recipient of an individual MSCA mobility scholarship as part of the European Commission’s “Seal of Excellence” initiative where he received funding for two years to research archival materials at the University of Reading. His monographs include Modernism, Periodicals, and Cultural Poetics (Palgrave Macmillan 2015) and London and the Modernist Bookshop (Cambridge University Press 2020). He has articles and reviews published in Modernism/modernity, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, The Review of English Studies, Transatlantica: Revue d’Etudes Américaines, and The Modernist Review, and forthcoming publications on Sylvia Beach and Shakespeare and Company with Modernism/modernity and Brill. In 2018, he founded the Writing Lab at the American Studies Center, which provides tutoring on writing for all ASC students.
Role at the ASC
Editor-in-chief, The New Amerianist (2017-present)
IDUB – MSCA mobility scholarship as part of the European Commission’s “Seal of Excellence” initiative (2022-2024)
IDUB – New Ideas grant (2021-2022)
Modernist Studies Association Research Travel Grant (2019)
University microgrants (2018, 2021)
London and the Modernist Bookshop. Cambridge University Press (2020).
“What Are We to Do with Our Lives? The League of Nations, Open Conspiracy, and the World State” Institutions Cluster, Modernism/modernity PrintPlus (2020).
“Fundamental Education: UNESCO and American Post-War Modernism.” Transatlantica: Revue d’Etudes Américaines (2016).
“Mass Observation.” Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. Routledge (2016).
Modernism, Periodicals, and Cultural Poetics. Palgrave Macmillan (2015).
Courses (selected)
Transatlantic Modernisms
Americans in Paris
American Poetry: Politics, Movements, Manifestos
20th-21st Century American Poetry
Transatlantic Print Cultures