dr Ludmiła Janion

email: l.janion@uw.edu.pl

profile: ORCID

Room 3.055

Office hours in Spring semester 2024/25:
Mondays, 11:30 – 12:30

Ludmiła Janion is a cultural studies scholar, an Assistant Professor at the American Studies Center. Her research and teaching interests include media, gender, and sexuality studies. Ludmiła Janion received her M.A. degrees in philosophy (Institute of Philosophy, UW) and American studies (American Studies Center, UW) and her Ph.D. in cultural studies (“Artes Liberales”, UW). Her research on the westernization of discourses of gender nonconformity during the transition era in Poland has been published in Central Europe, Sexualities, and Text and Performance Quarterly, while the first results of her current project on the neoliberalisation of heterosexuality can be found in Feminist Media Studies. She is a member of the QueerIt research group, where she investigates the reception of queer theory in Polish feminist thought.

Role at the ASC

ASC Mobility Coordinator
Member of the ASC Gender/Sexuality Working Group


Principal Investigator, Neoliberalization of Male Sexuality in the Transition Era, a project founded by IDUB: Excellence Initiative: Research University (2021-2022)

Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship 2016


State-socialist Heteromasculinity on the Eve of Neoliberalism: Sexual Problems in the First Polish Lifestyle Magazine for Men, “Feminist Media Studies” 2023. Published online: 02 Jun 2023.

”Transsexuality” and gender ratio in Poland: A case study on the East/West dichotomy. Journal of Homosexuality, 70:11, 2539-2559. Published online: 16 May 2022.

“Homosexual men whose lives turned out unsuccessful”: Polish aunties in the transition era.” Text and Performance Quarterly. Published online: 03 Mar 2022.

“The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Drag Queen: Westernization of Cross-Dressing in 1990s Poland.” Sexualities 23, no. 7 (October 2020): 1179–98.

 “Global Gay and Soviet Queen: Polish Transformation and Discourses of Homosexual Gender Variance.” Central Europe 15, no. 1–2 (2017): 35–44.

Courses (selected)

Discourse Analysis

Critical Media Studies

Key Methods in American Studies

Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies

American History and Society

Hobbies/non-academic interests

Cycling, jogging, and Nordic skiing