dr Krystyna Mazur

email: kmazur@uw.edu.pl
profile: ORCID
Room 2.038
Office hours in Fall semester 2024/25: Wednesdays, 15:45-16:45
Krystyna Mazur is an Assistant Professor at the ASC, with degrees from the University of Warsaw (MA) and Cornell University (PhD). She is the author of Poetry and Repetition: Walt Whitman, Wallace Stevens and John Ashbery (Routlege, 2005), as well as of articles in the areas of gender and queer studies, poetry and poetics and film studies. She is currently working on two books: a monograph on the filmmaker Barbara Hammer and a collection of essays on Queer Feminist Film. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Indiana, Bloomington, and at Notre Dame University. She has been a recipient of a Fulbright scholarship, Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship, as well as a grant from the National Science Foundation. Research and teaching have always been interwoven practices for her. While her main current areas of scholarship are queer literature and film, her teaching branches out to respond to the interests and needs of the students, with African American culture—film, literature, intellectual tradition, and popular culture—being among the most popular courses she offers.
U.S. State Department Public Diplomacy Grant (2016/17)
2-year Research Grant from Polish National Science Center (2015)
Senior Fulbright Fellowship (2013/14)
Innovative Teaching Award at Warsaw University (2012)
Martin Sampson Award for Teaching, Cornell University (1992)
Poetry and Repetition: Walt Whitman, Wallace Stevens, John Ashbery, Routlege, 2005.
“Wielkie nieobecne: czarne reżyserki eksperymentalne w U.S.A.” In: Historie Filmu Awangardowego, Fundacja Okonakino, Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej, 2020.
“Dotyk kina: eksperymenty Barbary Hammer.” In: Historie Filmu Awangardowego, Fundacja Okonakino, Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej, 2020.
“Choreographing the Lesbian Possibility: Barbara Hammer’s Double Strength.” In: Barbara Hammer: Evidentiary Bodies, ed. Staci Bu Shea and Carmel Curtis, Hirmer, 2018.
“Repetition.” In: Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Princeton University Press, 2012.
Courses (selected)
Writing Non-Normative Desires and Genders
Topics in African American Culture
Lost in Translation: Literature and Liminality
Women of the Left Bank: U.S. Writers in Modernist Europe
African American Film after the Civil Rights Movement
U.S. Women Filmmakers
Queer Film and Media