dr Héctor Calleros Rodriguez

email: h.calleros@uw.edu.pl

profile: ORCID

Room 3.034

Office hours in Spring semester 2024/25:
Fridays, 11:00 – 12:00

Dr. Calleros is a lecturer and researcher at the American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw. His research is centred on the analysis of political processes, social conflicts and ethnicity. On Political Institutions, his focus is on the role of the legislature within constitutional democracy. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Bucharest´s Research Institute and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Warsaw´s Institute of International Relations. He has provided advice on public policy (conflict resolution, human rights, transparency and elections) in Mexico. Trained as a Political Scientist, Dr. Calleros obtained a B.A. from UNAM´s School of Political and Social Sciences. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Leeds (U.K.) and received his M.A. in Legislative Studies from the University of Hull (U.K.). Dr. Calleros has conducted fieldwork in the United States, Spain, Poland, Rumania, Mexico and the United Kingdom.


Visiting Researcher at The Research Institute. University of Bucharest (2017)

Academic Referee for journals such as Journal of Peasant Studies, Latin American Research Review (LARR), the Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research (JILAR), The International Indigenous Policy Journal (Australia), and Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional (UNAM-IIJ, México).

Public policy advisory at subnational level on issues such as human rights, transparency, elections (2012-2015).


with Ignacio Ibarra. “Problemas de identidad y estimaciones de los censos. La nueva realidad que arroja la Encuesta Intercensal 2015,” Revista Papeles de Población, 2020.

“Los Estados Unidos de América y la apropiación del territorio indígena,” Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos. Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 26(1):193-214, 2015.

“Land, Conflict, and Political Process: The case of the Lacandon Community (1972-2012),” Journal of Peasant Studies, 41(1): 127-155, 2014.

“Wybory prezydenckie i kwestie etniczne w Ameryce Łacińskiej,” in: Gocłowska-Bolek J., red., Panorama wyborcza Ameryki Łacińskiej w 2019 roku. Nowe wyzwania, stare problemy?, Ośrodek Analiz Politologicznych, Uniwersytet Warszawaski, Warszawa, 2019.

“The State and the idea of Vernacular sovereignties” (review), Asian Journal of Latin American Studies (Korea’s JLAS), 2020.

Courses (selected)

Migrations, Race and Ethnicity in the United States

Native Americans in the 21st Century.

Latinx & Hispanic Identities

Social Movements in the Americas

Governing the Binational Commons: The Challenges of the Mexico-U.S. Border