dr hab. Anna Sosnowska-Jordanovska

Anna Sosnowska is an associate professor of sociology at the American Studies Center. Her research focuses on historical sociology of migrations from Eastern Europe to major American cities of New York City and Chicago in industrial and postindustrial era, and methodology and history of the historical sociological research. She is an author of Polski Greenpoint a Nowy Jork. Gentryfikacja, stosunki etniczne i imigrancki rynek pracy na przełomie XX i XXI wieku, and Explaining Economic Backwardness. Post-war Polish Historians on Eastern Europe, Central European University Press and co-editor of Stan Rzeczy 2021 issue on historical sociology. She was awarded a Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship for 2023. She teaches classes on the US immigration and cities.
Co-author of Thursdays with Historical Sociology seminar organized by Institute of Sociology, Center for Francophonic Culture and Polish Sociological Association
The first president of the Historical Sociology Section of the Polish Sociological Association in 2021
A member of the Scientific Council of Sociology at University of Warsaw since 2019
Fellowships funded by Kosciuszko Foundation, Foundation for Polish Science, Fulbright Foundation, Institut fur Wissenshcaften vom Menschen, New School for Social Research
A part of the EU4+ research team ‘Behind the Iron Curtain’ investigating the flow of ideas between East and West during the Cold War
A Kosciuszko Foundation scholarship for 2023 for the fieldwork research on Polish community and its material culture in contemporary public space of Chicago city
Explaining Economic Backwardness. Post-war Polish Historians on Eastern Europe (Hungary: Central European University Press, 2019).
Polski Greenpoint a Nowy Jork. Gentryfikacja, stosunki etniczne i imigrancki rynek pracy na przełomie XX i XXI wieku (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, 2016).
Zrozumieć zacofanie. Spory historyków o Europę Wschodnią (1947-1994) (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Trio, 2004) .
“Tu, tam – pomieszanie,” Studia Socjologiczne 4, no. 147 (1997): 61–85.
Courses (selected)
Local communities. Ethnographic and Sociological Studies, MA research seminar
New York. The City and Its People, MA elective
Immigration. History, Society, Politics, MA elective
American Society, BA lecture
New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles. Introduction to the US Cities, BA elective
Hobbies/non-academic interests
A mother of two teenagers, enjoys urban cycling and believes in psychotherapy