dr hab. Agnieszka Graff, prof. ucz.

email: abgraff@uw.edu.pl

profile: ORCID

Room 3.030

Office hours in Spring semester 2024/25:
Wednesdays, 13:45 – 14:45

Agnieszka Graff, a graduate of Amherst College and Oxford University, holds a PhD in literature (2000) and a postdoctoral degree (habilitacja) in cultural studies (2014), both granted by University of Warsaw. Her research interests include gender studies, feminist history, nationalism and public discourse on gender. Her articles have appeared in Signs, East European Politics and Societies, Public Culture, Feminist Studies, European Journal of Women’s Studies and many collected volumes. She is the author of four books of feminist essays in Polish: Świat bez kobiet (2001, 2011, 2021); Rykoszetem (2008), Magma (2010), Matka feministka (2014). Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment, a monograph co-authored with Elżbieta Korolczuk, is forthcoming with Routledge in 2021.

Role at the ASC

Head of IAiE Quality Teaching Committee (Komisja Jakości Kształcenia)


Co-editor the Spring 2019 theme issue of Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society titled “Gender and the Rise of the Global Right”. 

“Claiming the Shipyard, the Cowboy Hat, and the Anchor for Women: Polish Feminism’s Dialogue and Struggle with National Symbolism.” Guest lecture at Indiana University, Bloomington, hosted by Gender Studies and Polish Studies Center. 16 April 2019.

“Ebola from Brussels: anti-genderism, right-wing populism and the future of transnational feminism.’  Keynote address delivered together with Elżbieta Korolczuk at the 10th European Feminist Research Conference (ATGENDER) “Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions,” Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, 12-15 September 2018. 

Senior Fulbright Research Grantee, New School for Social Research, 2004 – 2005.


Angry Women: Poland’s Black Protests as ‘Populist Feminism’.Right Wing Populism and Gender. European Perspectives and Beyond edited by Gabriele Dietze and Julia Roth, Transcript Verlag, 2020, pp. 231-250.

Necessary and Impossible: How Western Feminism Has Travelled East.Borderlands in European Gender Studies. Beyond the East-West Frontier, edited by T. Kulawik and Z. Kravchenko, Routledge, 2020, pp. 41-62. 

Claiming the Shipyard, the Cowboy Hat, and the Anchor for Women: Polish Feminism’s Dialogue and Struggle with National Symbolism.East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures 33, no. 2 (Spring 2019): 472-496. 

Manosfera, czyli bunt upokorzonych samców – figura mężczyzny jako ofiary w dyskursie amerykańskiej alter-prawicy.” [The Manosphere, or rebellion of humiliated males: The Figure of Man as Victim in America Alt Right Discourse] Czas Kultury Nr 1/2019: 15-20.  

with Elżbieta Korolczuk, “Gender as “Ebola from Brussels”: The Anticolonial Frame and the Rise of Illiberal Populism.Signs: Journal of Women of Culture and Society, 43, no. 4 (Spring 2018): 797-821.

Looking at Pictures of Gay Men: Political Uses of Homophobia in Contemporary Poland.Public Culture 22 (3), Fall 2010: 583-603.

Świat bez kobiet. W.A.B. 2001 i 2011; wydanie nowe, poszerzone: Marginesy 2021.  

Courses (selected)

Race in US Film 

Misfits, Rebels, and Outlaws: Landmark Movies of the 1950s and 1960s 

American Culture Wars

After Irony: Public and Private ‘Feeling’ in Contemporary U.S. Culture

Gender and Sexuality in Classical Hollywood Film

The African American Intellectual Tradition

The American Short Story

Hobbies/non-academic interests

Social activism



Curriculum vitae (PDF)