Western Hemisphere Lectures
Western Hemisphere Lectures bridge two culturally, economically, and linguistically separate parts of one American continent. The series deals with issues related to international relations and cultural interdependence of countries in the Western Hemisphere. It address a wide spectrum of topics concerning diplomatic relations, the history of international politics and the cultural diversity of the region to introduce students to the world of common denominators and cultural differences in the Western Hemisphere.
Western Hemisphere Lectures
Fall Term 2023/2024
- January 9, 2024
Amurabi Oliveira (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Brazil), Evander Ruthieri da Silva (Universidade Federal da Integraçāo Latino-Americana), William R. Glass (University of Warsaw), Krystyna Mazur (University of Warsaw), Hector Calleros (University of Warsaw)
Postcolonial Legacy of Slavery across the Americas
Fall Term 2019/2020
Spring Term 2018/2019
Fall Term 2018/2019
- December 5, 2018
Ryszard Piasecki (University of Lodz)
The Promised Land of American Integration
[watch on YouTube] - October 4, 2018
Radosław Sikorski
Nasz Amerykański Sen
[watch on YouTube]