Year 2019/2020
June 4: U.S. Foreign Policy in Eastern and Central Europe
June 4, 2020
Richard Payne-Holmes, an External Political Unit Chief at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, during his presentation will speak about the U.S. Foreign Policy in Eastern and Central Europe.
The Online Exam Session
May 11, 2020
We are slowly but surely approaching the closing of the spring semester classes and getting ready for the exam session. We already know that we should carry out all our exams online, according to the Rector’s order no. 84 of 4 May 2020. It means, we need to start preparations to organize the session efficiently and successfully. It means, we need to start preparations to organize the session efficiently and successfully.
American Studies Colloquium Series
May 28: An Erotic Toolkit: Asexual and Aromantic Critiques of Heteronormativity
May 28, 2020
This talk will explore the feminist, queer, and anti-racist tradition of the erotic, drawing on Audre Lorde’s work in particular. Ela Przybylo will discuss how the erotic provides a distinct model for theorizing relating that creates space for the inclusion of asexuality and challenges compulsory sexuality.
Year 2019/2020
May 14: The Role of Congressional Oversight in Foreign Affairs
May 14, 2020
Esther Bell, an Economic Officer at the U.S. Embassy Warsaw, during her presentation will speak about The Role of Congressional Oversight in Foreign Affairs.
American Studies Colloquium Series
May 12: Global Brooklyn
May 12, 2020
In his lecture, Mateusz Halawa will talk about transnational aesthetic regime of urban consumption. Global Brooklyn is not only the title of his soon-to-be-published book, but also a metaphor used to essentialize the unprecedented circulation of visual styles, flavors, practices and values – all carefully designed and masterfully instagrammed – that have been sweeping the world and shaping food cultures.
American Studies Colloquium Series
May 7: Archiving Pain: On Crip Queer Evidence
May 7, 2020
In her research Alyson Patsavas focuses on disability studies, feminist and queer theory and the cultural politics of pain. In this lecture, she will outline dominant pain epistemologies and juxtapose medical record on pain with its personal accounts, in order to theorize what constitutes crip and queer evidence of pain.
Rektor UW zapowiada zmiany w funkcjonowaniu uczelni
April 30, 2020
Prof. Marcin Pałys, rektor UW, w krótkim nagraniu zapowiada majowe zmiany w funkcjonowaniu uniwersytetu. Rektor wydał też dwa nowe zarządzenia: o wprowadzeniu ograniczonej możliwości pracy badawczej na terenie uczelni od 4 maja oraz przedłużające zawieszenie zajęć na uczelni do 24 maja.
A message from the ASC Counselor for Students’ Affairs
April 27, 2020
It seems that we are not going to meet in person any time soon. On 24 April 2020, at the press conference of the Ministry of Science it was announced that university activities are going to be restricted until 24 May 2020. Read about some very important issues raised by Rector lately.
First online MA Exams
April 27, 2020
Last Friday, 24 April 2020, first online diploma exams took place at the ASC. Three students performed their MA defenses over the internet and all passed successfully. Congratulations to the Brave! It was a new experience for all of us. We are certain more exams will follow soon.
Czy ateista może się dogadać z wierzącym? A jeśli tak, to po co?
April 20, 2020
W tym roku akademickim nie spotkamy się już w Auli Starej BUW na Krakowskim Przedmieściu. Mam nadzieję, że pozostają Państwo w dobrym zdrowiu i w nie najgorszej wciąż kondycji i że zechcą Państwo przyjąć zaproszenie od Pana Profesora Stanisława Obirka na wykład wirtualny.
New book by Dr. Matthew Chambers
April 17, 2020
We are incredibly proud to announce that dr Matthew Chambers has just published his book, London and the Modernist Bookshop, with Cambridge University Press. The book discusses the role of modernist bookshops in the 1930s as sites of distribution, publication, and networking for those involved in the London literary scene.
Dzień Otwarty UW Online!
April 15, 2020
Już 25 kwietnia o godz. 10:00 zapraszamy na Dzień Otwarty UW Online! Podczas transmisji na fanpage’u @Uniwersytet Warszawski poznasz lepiej uczelnię oraz dowiesz się więcej o studiach i rekrutacji na UW. Dołącz do wydarzenia, by nie przegapić terminu!
New guidance for studying and working during coronavirus outbreak
April 10, 2020
The University of Warsaw is continually monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic. On 7th April, the UW rector issued the new orders on studying and working arrangements at the University of Warsaw. Measures brought in by UW aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among the UW community.
ASC Virtual Lecture Hall
March 31, 2020
Join the group on Facebook to be up to date with all the online lectures streamed live in the ASC Virtual Lecture Hall.
Changes in the mode of operation of the ASC Library, Students’ Office, and Financial Office related to the COVID-19 outbreak
May 29, 2020
The UW Ksawerow building is no longer shut down, and the ASC faculty and staff can use their offices. Still all the ASC instruction continues remotely. The ASC administration will be working remotely until further notice. It is possible to arrange an in-person appointment via email. Though the ASC Library’s reading rooms will be closed, the Library’s checkout counter will be open on Tuesdays 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm and Fridays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
Take part in the Multicultural Volunteering Online!
March 28, 2020
This is a great possibility to learn a new language, improve Polish (or another language that you know and would like to practise), learn about different cultures and meet students, with whom friendship may last beyond the not-leaving-home-times 🙂