Year 2023/2024

March 15: The 2024 US Presidential Election: What’s in the Cards?

March 15, 2024

What are the stakes of the 2024 American presidential election for the US and its allies, like Poland? What does this election tell us about the state of American politics more broadly? Join us for the panel discussion “The 2024 US Presidential Election: What’s in the Cards?”.

Year 2023/2024

March 14: BridgeUSA: Exchange Program Opportunities in the US

March 9, 2024

We are excited to invite you to a special event featuring DAS Rebecca Pasini, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Private Sector Exchange, who will be speaking about the diverse range of BridgeUSA (J1) program categories available to both students and faculty.


UW Language Career Fair

February 28, 2024

UW Careers Office and the initiative “Applied Linguistics Students in the Labour Market” would like to invite you to take part in the UW Language Career Fair!


University of Warsaw is currently offering trial access to the DeGruyter Database

February 19, 2024

University of Warsaw is currently offering trial access to the DeGruyter Database, with access to original sources, text collections, reference works, and bibliographies.

Year 2023/2024

April 26-27: Status Quo/Status Queer

April 26, 2024

The aim of the conference is to create an opportunity for MA and BA students at the American Studies Center and Institute of Applied Social Sciences to present their research projects and facilitate an exchange of inspiring ideas.


Dr. Joanna Mąkowska was admitted to the program for young female researchers and teachers

February 13, 2024

Dr. Mąkowska will receive financial support to implement her individual research plan and will work with experienced mentors to effectively navigate her academic career.


Dr Anna Kurowicka received a NAWA Bekker scholarship

February 10, 2024

The scholarship will fund a 6-month long research stay at the Humboldt University in Berlin. A flagship program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), the Bekker Program promotes international mobility of researchers and PhD students.


Student Research Grants Are Back!

February 5, 2024

After the long pandemic break, the American Studies Center is pleased to announce a competition for research grants for MA and BA students to support their work on their MA theses and BA papers.


Prof. Frelik in a Horizon Europe grant!

January 30, 2024

ASC’s own Paweł Frelik is a member of the consortium that has won a prestigious Horizon Europe grant!


Prof. Stephen J. Farnsworth as a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Spring 2024

December 21, 2023

We are delighted to announce that next semester ASC will be hosting Professor Stephen J. Farnsworth as a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar.


Prof. Karolina Krasuska with the 2023 Cashmere Subvention Grant

December 20, 2023

Congratulations to Prof. Karolina Krasuska for winning the 2023 Cashmere Subvention Grant for Jewish, Gender, and Women’s Studies of the Gender Justice Caucus, Association for Jewish Studies!

Year 2023/2024

December 1: Screening & Discussion with Co-directors of ‘CURED’ documentary

December 1, 2023

The American Studies Center and the U.S. Embassy Warsaw invite you to a special private screening of the award-winning documentary CURED, which highlights a pivotal but little-known moment in LGBTQ history when activists and psychiatrists rose up to challenge a formidable institution — and won!

Year 2023/2024

15 Stycznia: Druga Fala Feminizmu – historia, afekt i audiowizualne archiwum

January 15, 2024

Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne wydarzenie Sekcji Studenckiej Pracowni Gender/Sexuality pt. „Druga Fala Feminizmu – historia, afekt i audiowizualne archiwum”!

Year 2023/2024

15 Kwietnia: Monstrualna Kobieta kontra Patriarchat: Czy “horror ciąża” to nowy wyraz kobiecej siły?

April 15, 2024

Drogie Osoby Studenckie, serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne wydarzenie Sekcji Studenckiej Pracowni Gender/Sexuality! Na najbliższym spotkaniu dowiemy się, czy dekonstrukcja patriarchalnych wyobrażeń na temat ciąży jest możliwa oraz jak współczesna kultura audiowizualna odbiera dwoistość tożsamości, jaką dotknięte są ciężarne.

Year 2023/2024

18 Marca: Pornografia w dyskursie feministycznym – wstęp do wojen o seks według teorii A. Dworkin i E. Willis

March 18, 2024

Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne wydarzenie Sekcji Studenckiej Pracowni Gender/Sexuality! Na najbliższym spotkaniu przyjrzymy się problemowi pornografii w dyskursie feministycznym.

Year 2023/2024

26 Lutego: Postfeminizm, Bimbo Feminizm i Film ,,Barbie”. O Feministycznych Praktykach w Erze Neoliberalizmu Kulturowego

February 22, 2024

Drogie Osoby Studenckie! Zapraszamy na kolejne wydarzenie Sekcji Studenckiej Pracowni Gender/Sexuality! Na najbliższym spotkaniu przyjrzymy się różnym rodzajom praktyk feministycznych we współczesnej erze neoliberlizmu kulturowego.

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