American Studies Colloquium Series

November 19: Showdown at Fort Miamis: The Anglo-American Crisis of 1794

November 19, 2020

In this talk, Michael S. Kochin from Tel Aviv University will show how the Anglo-American crisis of 1794 displays the United States as both a rising empire and a revolutionary and subversive power.

Year 2020/2021

November 18: Post-elections in the USA. Legal challenges to electoral procedures in American democracy

November 18, 2020

Leadership Studies Group (LSG) invites all who are concerned with the outcome of the 2020 elections to take part in a virtual ZOOM conversation with prof. Pawel Laidler from the Jagiellonian University.

Year 2020/2021

November 3: US Elections 2020

November 3, 2020

Zapraszamy na rozmowę wykładowców Ośrodka Studiów Amerykańskich UW na temat napływających pierwszych wyników wyborów prezydenckich w USA 2020.


CSM LIVE TALKS: Amerykanie i USA. Percepcja a rzeczywistość

October 30, 2020

Zapraszamy na kolejną rozmowę z cyklu CSM LIVE TALKS – EUROPA I ŚWIAT, organizowaną przez Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych oraz 2Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen.


All ASC Courses Switch to Remote Mode

October 18, 2020

Due to the new near-lockdown restrictions to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Rector has issued a new order that forbids all in-person instruction. That means from now on all ASC courses will be remote.

Marcin Rossa,


Equality and Anti-discrimination Actions at the UW

October 16, 2020

An equality university website presents comprehensive and practical information about what is discrimination, its types and examples, what to do in case of witnessing discrimination or being its victim, as well as which university and national institutions one can ask for support and help.



October 15, 2020

Ruszyła druga edycja konkursu minigrantów. O wsparcie projektów mogą ubiegać się zespoły badawcze składające się z przedstawicieli przynajmniej trzech uczelni sojuszu 4EU+.

Year 2020/2021

October 22: Freedom Riders with Stanley Nelson

October 14, 2020

A virtual conversation with acclaimed documentary maker Stanley Nelson, who will discuss his award-winning film Freedom Riders. Stanley Nelson is today’s leading documentarian of the African-American experience.

Year 2020/2021

October-November: How to Survive at ASC? A Three-Part Online Seminar for BA Freshers

October 4, 2020

A Three-Part Online Seminar for BA Freshers that will help you to start your new adventure at the ASC. Join us for useful tips, skills and the academic know-how.


October 3, 2020 at 4pm, ONLINE; ASC Welcome Event 2020

October 3, 2020

ASC Freshers, Undergraduate and Graduate, join us virtually for the ASC Welcome Event 2020!


October 1, 2020 at 10am, ONLINE; Discussion about the first presidential Biden – Trump debate

September 30, 2020

Leadership Studies Section invites for a discussion about the first presidential Biden – Trump debate and general significance of debates in American presidential campaigns.


Informacja na temat zajęć w OSA w semestrze zimowym 2020/2021

September 22, 2020

Tryb prowadzenia zajęć oraz narzędzia wykorzystywane w kształceniu zdalnym, Ośrodek Studiów Amerykańskich (OSA), Semestr zimowy 2020/21.


Druga edycja konkursu na minigranty dla międzyuczelnianych zespołów naukowych w ramach Sojuszu 4EU+

September 21, 2020

Pragniemy poinformować, że druga edycja konkursu na minigranty dla międzyuczelnianych zespołów naukowych w ramach Sojuszu 4EU+ została otwarta.


Festiwal Nauki 2020

September 17, 2020

The 24th edition of Festiwal Nauki in Warsaw that will take place on September 19-28, 2020. ASC is going to host four events that may interest you in particular.


ASC Library Opening hours

September 17, 2020

Due to the public health requirements to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Library’s operations and services have been modified.


Cultural Orientation at UW workshop, organized by the Welcome Point

September 16, 2020

We would like to invite you to the Cultural Orientation at UW workshop, organized by the Welcome Point.

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