Year 2021/2022

March 2: Oswoić Gender: Naukowy aktywizm, innowacyjne badania i feministyczna dydaktyka

March 2, 2022

Anna Piekutowska in conversation with Karolina Krasuska, Ludmiła Janion, Aleksandra Kamińska, Agnieszka Kotwasińska, Anna Kurowicka, Natalia Pamuła i Marta Usiekniewicz about academic activism, innovative research and feminist pedagogy.


Prof. Paweł Frelik elected President of the IAFA

February 10, 2022

Founded in 1982, the IAFA is a scholarly association devoted to the study of the broadly understood fantastic across media. Prof. Frelik is the first non-Anglophone president of the IAFA and only second from outside the United States.

fot. Nils Eisfeld


ZIP Visiting Professor in the Spring 2022

February 3, 2022

In the Spring 2022 semester our Center will be hosting Prof. Carsten Junker from TU Dresden, Germany. The Visiting Professorship is offered within the framework of the University’s Integrated Development Programme (ZIP).


Admissions to MA program

January 23, 2022

We would like to inform you that according to the University of Warsaw admissions rules, you need to have graduated from a BA program by the time you submit documents to the MA program.


Kto się boi gender? Book premiere

January 21, 2022

Agnieszka Graff and Elżbieta Korolczuk’s book “Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment” is now also available in Polish on the publisher’s website.


Fulbright Distinguished Scholars at the ASC

January 18, 2022

In the spring 2022, we are hosting two distinguished scholars: Matthew Levay of Idaho State University and Raymond Malewitz of Oregon State University.

Year 2021/2022

January 26: In Conversation with CD Projekt Red: Audio in Cyberpunk 2077

January 26, 2022

Colin Walder is Code Lead for Audio and Localization at CD Projekt Red. In the conversation with Joanna Kaniewska, he will talk about audio design in Cyberpunk 2077 and whether cyberpunk can be recognized by its sound.

Year 2021/2022

January 26: ASC Student Exchange Programs: Information meeting

January 26, 2022

Interested in Erasmus+, a semester at University of Florida, or other foreign exchanges? Join a Zoom meeting with the ASC Mobility Coordinator dr Ludmiła Janion to find out about recruitment criteria, deadlines and rules of participation in student exchanges.

American Studies Colloquium Series

January 20: Kelly Reichardt’s Gastro-Aesthetics

January 20, 2022

This talk examines cinematic figurations of food in Kelly Reichardt’s ‘First Cow’, where aesthetic and gastronomic consumption converges in the figure of the cow as an image and as a source of milk. How should we think about the visual consumption of images of dairy consumption?  


New season of “Oswoić gender” podcast is up!

March 6, 2024

In the eight-episode series we cover topics ranging from the intersection of medical anthropology and gender studies, animal studies and feminist theories as seen by the youngest gender studies researchers, genre literature studies, masculinities in Polish literature, gender and migration, diversity and equality strategies at the university, as well as the challenges of writing histories of problematic queer figures.


“Oswoić gender” podcast is up!

January 12, 2022

In the eight-episode series of the podcast we acquaint listeners with the diversity of research conducted within gender and sexuality studies.

American Studies Colloquium Series

January 13: Why Write If You Can Paint? Thoughts on Thoughts and Feelings in American Artists’ Writings

January 5, 2022

The history of artists’ writings is long and rich; one thus has to pose the question: Why write at all (if you can paint)? In this talk Edyta Frelik will discuss texts of American artists to explore their motivations and goals as writers, and the relation between the plastic arts and literature in general.


Online mode at the ASC extended

December 16, 2021

Following the initial two-week period, the online mode has been extended for three more days between 20 and 22 December 2021.


UW Winter Brave Camp 2021

December 13, 2021

Brave Camp is a free, week-long camp, during which students participate in workshops on entrepreneurship, business and management.

Year 2021/2022

December 16: Cyborgs, Transhumans, and Posthumans in the Popular Music of 2010s

December 11, 2021

This mini-lecture explores the artistic practices of musicians who draw inspiration from futuristic and weird imagery, using science fiction themes as well as the figures of cyborgs, trans-humans and post-humans to express their response to the contemporary world.

American Studies Colloquium Series

December 9: Sham Ruins, A User’s Guide

December 9, 2021

What is it that sham ruins ruin? This talk focuses on a number of American sham ruins, and new meaning they impose. The reevaluation of sham ruins helps in understanding what makes a freshly minted broken object attractive in any period.

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