American Studies Colloquium Series

December 8: Was There an American Literary Mafia?

December 8, 2022

In the 1960s and 1970s, many American authors, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, complained about a “Jewish literary mafia.” How did Jews’ roles in publishing influence the development of American literature? How can attention to this story help to produce a more equitable industry now?

Year 2022/2023

December 6: Witches in American Popular Music: Introduction + Discussion

November 24, 2022

Rebellious and powerful, witches penetrate the social spaces and popular culture. In her introduction, Joanna Kaniewska will map the presence of witches in American music. Later, she will invite all the participants to discuss the “music witches,” their common traits and associations.

Year 2022/2023

ASC Thanksgiving Dinner

November 18, 2022

We’re happy to invite all students, faculty and staff to join our traditional Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner!


The ASC’s New Americanist will be published with Edinburgh University Press

October 28, 2022

Starting from Spring 2023, the ASC’s New Americanist will be published with Edinburgh University Press in cooperation with the University of Warsaw.

American Studies Colloquium Series

November 17: Imagining Sex Between White Men: Slash Fan Fiction and the Racial Politics of Feminist Fantasy

November 10, 2022

In this talk, Alexis Lothian discusses slash fan fiction by examining the ways that dynamics of racialization can be critically engaged on and through the bodies of white male protagonists, and whether a speculative erotics of white masculinity might have something to contribute to a feminism committed to antiracist politics.

American Studies Colloquium Series

October 27: The Shapes of Apocalyptic Time: Decolonising Eco-Eschatology

October 20, 2022

On the contrary to contemporary ecological discourses, rooted in linear temporality derived from Christian eschatology, this presentation offers to see eco-eschatological time as a spiral and as a non-contemporaneous totality, which can help us devise more accurate strategy for decolonial environmental politics.

American Studies Colloquium Series

October 20: When American Television Became American Literature

October 14, 2022

In this lecture, Ben Alexander discusses the phenomena of the most poignant American serial dramas and places them in historical context, as well as suggests to see American television as a new art form that requires dedicated critical approaches.


Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – IDUB funds

September 5, 2022

The call for applications for projects directed at promoting scientific research carried out at the UW is underway.


Joint Inauguration and Graduation Ceremony 2022

September 14, 2022

This year the ASC will have a joint Inauguration/ Graduation Ceremony on Friday, October 7th at 4 p.m. in the Old BUW Building at the Main Campus at Krakowskie Przedmieście.


Lowell’s Memoirs coedited by Prof. Grzegorz Kosc is being released

August 1, 2022

Robert Lowell’s Memoirs, which Prof. Grzegorz Kosc, ASC Director, has coedited with Prof. Steven Gould Axelrod, will be released next week by renowned New York publisher Farrar, Straus and Giroux, and in the London by Faber and Faber.


Moving to the Dobra 55 building / Time Frame

July 25, 2022

The ASC is moving to Dobra 55 but not until the intersession break in January/February 2023. We will yet spend this coming fall semester at the Ksawerów building.


Office for Students’ Affairs

July 25, 2022

The ASC Office for Students’ Affairs will be closed between August 5th – August 22nd, 2022.


ASC heading a major research project!

July 12, 2022

A team led by Prof. Paweł Frelik has just received a major grant from NPRH to create online catalog of all Polish-made video games documenting their bibliographical data and critical writing about them.


Institute of the Americas and Europe

July 4, 2022

Zgodnie z Zarządzeniem nr 111 Rektora Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego z dnia 16 września 2021 w sprawie organizacji zajęć dydaktycznych, egzaminów i zaliczeń w trybie zdalnym ogłasza się listę przedmiotów, które w semestrze zimowym 2022/23 będą prowadzone zdalnie.


The 20th Transatlantic Symposium

June 15, 2022

Seven ASC MA students participated in the 20th Transatlantic Symposium, which addressed the challenges of the multi-crisis transatlantic world.


Cyberpunk never dies!

June 6, 2022

Pawel Frelik co-edited a special issue of Teksty Drugie, and contributed, together with Anna Kurowicka, articles to the issue on cyberpunk.

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