In October, the “We Are All Equal” social campaign has been launched. It aims to emphasize the diversity of the UW community and equality among its members.

The University of Warsaw is a place where there is no room for any kind of discrimination. We strive to create a friendly, peaceful, and safe atmosphere where everyone, regardless of their nationality, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, and religion, will feel comfortable.

People who experience discrimination will find support at the university. In 2011, the University of Warsaw appointed its ombudsman, a fully independent and neutral university officer, to whom students, faculty, and administrative staff may turn for assistance in matters related to the university and its community, informally and confidentially. The ombudsman supports the staff and students in problem-solving and sees to it that all members of the academic community are treated fairly and honestly. Since 2016, UW has its Equal Opportunity Chief Specialist who is engaged in anti-discrimination policy, equal treatment, and diversity at our University. This person takes steps to fully respect and implement the principle of equal treatment, and to prevent discrimination. At the University of Warsaw, there is also the Rector’s Committee for Preventing Discrimination. More information >> 

The “We Are All Equal” campaign consists of a set of posters and social media activities. Materials will also appear on university websites and fan pages. Members of our community, representing groups particularly at the risk of discrimination and unequal treatment, featured in a video.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of discrimination, hate speech, mobbingand how to counteract these phenomena.

The campaign was created in cooperation with many university units. The UW Promotion Office, the project coordinator, organised it in close cooperation with Dr. Anna Cybulko (academic ombudsman), Dr. Julia Kubisa (equal opportunity chief specialist), and Magdalena Miksa (anti-mobbing coordinator).

The campaign is part of the activities implementing the European Charter for Researchers and the HR Excellence in Research strategy at the University of Warsaw. The strategy includes the implementation of activities in the area of equal treatment and increasing knowledge and awareness in the field of anti-discrimination.


Changes in Dr. Gajda-Łaszewska’s office hours schedule

June 26, 2024

Dr. Gajda-Łaszewska will be available in the office on Tuesday (2 July 2024), 1:30-3:30 pm and online (ZOOM) on Thursday (4 July 2024), 12:00-2:00 pm.

June 17-18: Polish-language conference „Jak uczyć o płci i seksualności? Interdyscyplinarność, instytucjonalizacja, zaangażowanie społeczne.”

June 17, 2024

Konferencja „Jak uczyć o płci i seksualności? Interdyscyplinarność, instytucjonalizacja, zaangażowanie społeczne” ma na celu stworzenie przestrzeni, w której mogą się spotkać społeczności akademickie, aktywistyczne, artystyczne, eksperckie tworzące i przekazujące wiedzę o płci i seksualności. Jaka mogłaby być dziś edukacja seksualna? Gdzie jest miejsce na feministyczny i queerowy aktywizm w akademii? Czy słowem kluczowym jest „równość” czy „nierówności”? Czy potrafimy wspólnie wyobrazić sobie studia magisterskie o płci i seksualności w Polsce? Zapraszamy na 6 paneli dyskusyjnych.

Year 2023/2024

June 11: Biosocial Groups, Biosocial Criminals – the Body and Medicine as Organizing Agents

June 11, 2024

Weird Fictions Research Group cordially invites you to the very last event this semester! The lecture will show how medical anthropology and cultural studies can shed light on medicine-related social and cultural phenomena.

Year 2023/2024

June 6: Marketing Barbie’s “Curvy New Body”: Mattel’s Fashionistas Line and its Legacy Brand Politics

June 6, 2024

We would like to invite you to an upcoming lecture given by a Fulbright Scholar, Doctor Rebecca C. Hains! During this lecture, you will have the pleasure of listening to Dr. Hains’s exploration of Barbie from the feminist perspective, the history of Barbie’s body type, and the feminist critique around it. The talk will also discuss the PR surrounding the “Curvy” Barbies’ release, a topic that has sparked many intense debates.

Year 2023/2024

June 5: Dissecting Theater: Medical Horror on Stage

June 5, 2024

Weird Fictions Research Group cordially invites you to a penultimate event this semester! We will discuss the ways in which medicine and theater are correlated and how medical horror stories can thrive on stage. We will explore the universal nature of theater by analyzing the sources of fear in Starkid’s The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals as well.