The ASC’s Gender/Sexuality Research Group is proud to share the third (and final, for now) season of our very own podcast! “Oswoić gender,” hosted by Dr. Anna Kurowicka and Dr. Marta Usiekniewicz, aims to present research in gender and sexuality studies done at the University of Warsaw. 

In the eight-episode series we cover topics ranging from the intersection of medical anthropology and gender studies, animal studies and feminist theories as seen by the youngest gender studies researchers, genre literature studies, masculinities in Polish literature, gender and migration, diversity and equality strategies at the university, as well as the challenges of writing histories of problematic queer figures.

Find us in your favorite podcast app and subscribe to our podcast!

Each new episode will be released on Wednesday, announced on the ASC’s social media, and available on platforms including Spotify, Podcasters, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Google Podcasts, and YouTube. Episodes will be also published on the Gender/Sexuality Research Group’s dedicated website, which will be launched soon.

The aim of this (mostly) Polish language podcast is to acquaint listeners with the diversity of research conducted within gender and sexuality studies. In each episode we show how the issues of gender and sexuality are manifested in cultural and social life. We also promise a good dose of humor and recommendations, because what would a popular science podcast be without homework?

This season will feature a slew of informative and entertaining conversations with Julia Kubisa, Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz, and ASC’s own Przemysław Górecki, Aleksandra Malinowska, Anna Grzybowska. Season three includes three book club episodes with Agnieszka Kotwasińska, Karolina Krasuska, and Marta Usiekniewicz herself, who are talking about their new books. The final special episode of the season is an English-language conversation with Huw Lemmey and Ben Miller, author of “Bad Gays: A Homosexual History,” hosts of the Bad gays podcast, and keynote speakers at our upcoming student conference “Status quo/Status queer.”

The podcast was made possible by funding from the “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain” project under the Excellence Initiative Research University program at the University of Warsaw.

Julia Machnowska was responsible for the sound production and editing, while Magdalena Sowul provided the studio space and music.


Extending the ELS

March 3, 2025

Extending the ELS (electronic student ID) validity will take place on March 17 – 20, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

American Studies Colloquium Series

March 6: Bending Reality to Economics

March 1, 2025

We are delighted to invite you to the first lecture of the American Studies Colloquium Series in the 2025 Spring semester! This talk examines the nested narrative of Hernan Diaz’s novel Trust as a motif by which the novel engages with the form of the financialized economy, in parallel with how its plot reflects on the lives of New York’s financial elite. By reframing the story of the 1929 crash through several mediations from the ‘reality’—a novel-with-the-novel, notes for a biography, reflections on this process by the ghost writer of said biography, and finally a personal journal—Trust draws our attention to the financialized economy as an exercise of substituting models for the thing itself, with inevitable distortions and lost data.

Year 2024/2025

February 25: Immortality in Televised Media – The Negative Sides of Being a (Super?)human

February 25, 2025

Join us for the second Weird TV lecture in 2025! Immortality as a concept has existed since ancient times, but unlike then, the term nowadays is rarely connected to chasing eternal youth or extending one’s life indefinitely. The concept of immortality in contemporary popular culture, propagated often through TV shows for children and adolescents alike, is usually connected with superheroes and the supernatural in general. Portrayed mostly as invincibility or ability to sustain damage that would otherwise kill a regular human, the focus is put on the physical sides of this concept, rarely on the mental side of being immortal. Death, after all, awaits everyone in the end, it is ingrained into human culture. As a species, we are drawn as much to creating, as we are to destroying, including ourselves.

Year 2024/2025

February 18: Solidarity in Struggle – A Conversation with Sarah Schulman

February 18, 2025

We invite you to a meeting with the author of “The Fantasy and Necessity of Solidarity,” Sarah Schulman, hosted by MA student at the ASC Julia Wajdziak. Together, we will look at the role of solidarity in contemporary activism, the challenges it faces, and the opportunities it creates for transnational alliances.


Dołącz do Akademii Młodych Polskich Innowatorów i wygraj płatny staż!

January 23, 2025

Chcesz wziąć udział w stażu w amerykańskiej firmie? Masz 18–26 lat? Interesujesz się przedsiębiorczością, mediami lub sprawami publicznymi? Chcesz zdobyć wiedzę i doświadczenie od ekspertów z USA i Polski, a także pracować nad innowacyjnym projektem, który odpowie na aktualne wyzwania gospodarcze i społeczne dla Polski? Jesteś z Warszawy lub jesteś gotowy/a dojeżdżać do stolicy na warsztaty i staż? Jeżeli na powyższe pytania odpowiedź brzmi TAK!, to dołącz do programu „Pathfinders of Tomorrow: Akademia Młodych Polskich Innowatorów”, który łączy młodych liderów z praktykami, by wspólnie tworzyć nowatorskie rozwiązania.