Join Weird Fictions Research Group for our fourth Mythos, Inc. meeting this semester.
This time we’re inviting you to a workshop on the current reiterations of the Persephone and Demeter myth.
Monday, May 29, 2023
at 4:45 pm
You can get 3 OZN points for participating in this event.

Dobra 55, room 0.256
(the building features some mobility accommodations: ramp and lift)
Registration deadline: May 26, 2023 (10pm)
Registration at
Limit: 15 people
Prior to the workshop the participants will be asked to familiarise themselves with Rachel Smythe’s webtoon “Lore Olympus”.
Our group members will be leading the workshop but we encourage everyone who joins us to take part in this little knowledge-production experiment. This means we’re not asking you to read any theory or secondary sources for this workshop but we’re asking you to research Persephone and Demeter on your own before our meeting. You can simply Google the myth and check its Wikipedia page, or watch TV shows or movies inspired by the myth, maybe read some myth-inspired fiction or scholarly articles on the topic, or check TikTok and social media for #persephone and #hades and #demeter, or maybe talk with friends and ask them about the myth. Basically, you decide how much you want to prepare and in what ways, and what you may want to bring to the table.
Agnieszka Kotwasińska is an Assistant Professor at the American Studies Center, the University of Warsaw. She works in Gothic and horror studies, gender studies and queer theory, and feminist new materialism(s). Her research interests center on embodiment in the so-called low genres, death, illness and mourning in horror, and schizoanalysis. She has published articles in Somatechnics, Praktyka Teoretyczna, and Humanities, among others. Her first monograph on contemporary American horror fiction will be published by University of Wales Press in mid-2023.