We are pleased to announce BA online workshop with
Prof. Carsten Junker
(TU Dresden)

An Introduction to Concepts of the Archive and Methods of Archival Research

Thursday, March 24, 2022
at 5:15 p.m.

You can get 2 OZN points for participating in this event.
Check how to collect OZN points online here.


This is an online event that requires registration. Please sign up in advance by writing an email to Prof. Junker by March 17, 2022: c.junker@uw.edu.pl. We will send the registered participants a Zoom link a day before the workshop.


This workshop is addressed to BA Students of American Studies. It has two parts, one on conceptualizing archives, one on methods of archival research. The first part is designed to provide a brief introduction to the concept of the archive according to Michel Foucault. It raises the question of how archives structure what can be said and thought, as well as address critical approaches to different archives according to Sara Ahmed, who asks how archives can be oppressive to marginalized subjects and groups and how they can also unfold liberatory potential. The second part is designed to address practical questions such as: how can we access different archives that make up the material we study.


Prof. Carsten Junker is University Professor of American Studies with a focus on Diversity Studies at TU Dresden, Germany. He is teaching at the ASC during the spring semester 2022, in the framework of the University of Warsaw’s Integrated Development Program (ZIP). His research interests include North American literatures and cultures including Canada and the Caribbean from the seventeenth century to the present, with a special emphasis on the connections between formalizations of cultural patterns and social differentiations, including discursive struggles.

Prof. Junker is staying at the ASC as ZIP Visiting Professor  for two months, from February to April 2022. He is teaching the lecture “Writing against Slavery: Early American Abolitionist Discourses and their Repercussions” as a part of the MA studies program, giving a talk within the American Studies Colloquium Series, and is available for individual consultations, especially for students interested in African American literature and culture.

The Visiting Professorship is offered within the framework of the University’s Integrated Development Programme (ZIP). The University’s Integrated Development Programme (ZIP) is a comprehensive project focused on improving the quality and effectiveness of education in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programmes, as well as supporting adaptation of the University’s offer to the needs of the economy, labour market and the society. The programme ZIP is co-financed by the European Union within the European Social Fund; its budget is PLN 39 393 989.40. More information available at: https://www.zip.uw.edu.pl/node/192


Changes in Dr. Gajda-Łaszewska’s office hours schedule

June 26, 2024

Dr. Gajda-Łaszewska will be available in the office on Tuesday (2 July 2024), 1:30-3:30 pm and online (ZOOM) on Thursday (4 July 2024), 12:00-2:00 pm.

June 17-18: Polish-language conference „Jak uczyć o płci i seksualności? Interdyscyplinarność, instytucjonalizacja, zaangażowanie społeczne.”

June 17, 2024

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