Leadership Research Group, ASC, American Councils and Collegium Civitas invite you to a lecture by Prof. Sam Potolicchio, Georgetown University “Forecasting & Prediction – Necessary Skills for the 21st Century Leadership”.

June 16, 2023
4:30 pm

 Palace of Culture, Collegium Civitas, 12th floor, Aula A

Prof. Sam Potolicchio was named one of “America’s Best Professors” by the Princeton Review, the Future Leader of American Higher Education by the Association of Colleges and Universities and was also profiled in a cover story on his leadership curriculum by Newsweek Japan as the “Best Professor in America”. Potolicchio is the Founding Executive Director of American Councils For International Education’s Center for Global Leadership and President of the Preparing Global Leaders Forum.

Prof. Potolicchio also teaches in Executive Education EMBA programs at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown and at the Mannheim Business School (Germany). He is a visiting lecturer at University of Bologna (Italy) and teaches two classes (US Political Systems and Preparing to Be President) to Georgetown University undergraduates.

He is a columnist for Newsweek Japan, a Distinguished Global Scholar at the Canterbury School of Fort Myers, and the lecturer on Leadership at the Library of Congress for COIL, an international leadership program of the United States Congress.

Prof. Potolicchio  has delivered lectures in over 85 countries, from Oxford, LSE, Cambridge and Yale to Iraq’s Komar University and Donetsk State University. As a middle-school basketball coach he led his Little Hoyas to 6 league titles and previously served as a 5th grade Latin teacher, public high school teacher of Law and History and secondary school admissions officer. 

Please register for the event by June 09 by filling the form at the link: https://forms.office.com/r/MR8DjFJZeB. The number of places is limited.



Competition for Student Research Grants

March 27, 2025

The American Studies Center is pleased to announce a competition for student research grants. The grants will support students’ work on their MA theses and BA papers. As the research must be related to a BA paper or an MA thesis, 3rd year BA students and MA students of all years will have a priority.


Dean’s Day on April 30

March 24, 2025

We kindly inform you that, in accordance with Order No. 1 issued by the Head of the Teaching Unit on March 19, 2025, April 30, 2025, has been declared as a dean’s day (a day off from teaching).


Meeting with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching and Learning

March 21, 2025

On March 26 at 6:30 PM, we invite you to an open online meeting with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching and Learning, Prof. Maciej Raś. During the meeting, we will discuss topics important to students and those interested in studying at the University of Warsaw.


ZIP 2.0 Integrated Teaching Development Program for the ASC Undergraduate Program

March 20, 2025

We would like to inform you that as of January 1, 2025, the University of Warsaw is implementing the “Integrated Teaching Development Program – ZIP 2.0,” co-financed by the European Social Fund under the European Funds for Social Development 2021–2027 (FERS) program. Its goal is to adapt the educational offer to the needs of the economy and labor market, as well as to support green and digital transformation.

American Studies Colloquium Series

April 3: Gatekeeping, Paranoid Professionalism, and Redefining Literacy: How US Librarians Fought, Found, and Loved Comic Books

March 20, 2025

We are pleased to invite you to the third lecture of the American Studies Colloquium Series in the 2025 Spring semester! In this talk, we will look at how US librarians fought against comic books as though libraries were the last line of defense in a vital war. We will examine the existential threat that librarians perceived comics to pose in the mid-century and the gradual, nervous thawing of that opposition in the 1970s and 1980s.