Dear Students,

The following classes will go online. Most probably you have already been contacted by your instructors. If not, it will take place soon.
We are aware that the intensive course by dr. J. Wendland planned for May may not take place. Yet, do not worry. We know that some of you need it badly to graduate on time.

Małgorzata Gajda-Łaszewska


BA I Obligatory classes

Course name Instructor
United States and the World David Jones
History of American Cinema Paweł Frelik
Political Culture in the US Marcin Gajek
History of the United States II William Glass
Migrations, Race, and Ethnicity in the US Joanna Kulpińska
Academic Writing II Joanna Mąkowska
Emma Oki
Natalia Pamuła
Filip Boratyn
Blanka Kotlińska
Marta Werbanowska
Matthew Chambers
Alicja Relidzyńska



North American Fiction Today Joanna Mąkowska
Civil Liberties in the US David Jones
Politics of Film Noir Marta Usiekniewicz
Diplomacy Applied Ryszard Schnepf
Writing American Life Natalia Pamuła
Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies Ludmiła Janion, Aleksandra Kamińska, Anna Kurowicka
Migrations, Race and Ethnicity in the USA Joanna Kulpińska
NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles Anna Sosnowska-Jordanovska
American Science Fiction Cinema Paweł Frelik
Introduction to the American Civil War Zbigniew Kwiecień


BA II Obligatory classes

Economy of the United States Andrzej Kondratowicz
Am. Lit. II – lecture Grzegorz Kość
Am. Lit. II – sections Joanna Mąkowska
Marek Wilczyński
Aleksandra Kamińska
Anna Kurowicka
Antoni Górny
Jędrzej Burszta
Agnieszka Kotwasińska
Information Technology – sections Various Instructors
Intercultural Communication Paulina Orbitowska-Fernandez
Małgorzata Durska
Dariusz Zembrzuski
Key Methods in American Studies Various Instructors


BA III Obligatory classes

BA Seminar Anna Kurowicka
Alicja Fijałkowska-Myszyńska (Latin)
Natalia Pamuła
David Jones
Karolina Lebek
Włodzimierz Batóg
Grzegorz Kość
Paweł Frelik
Agnieszka Graff-Osser
Krystyna Mazur
Hector Calleros
Matthew Chambers
Zbigniew Kwiecień
Agnieszka Kotwasińska


BA II & III Electives

American Presidency David Jones
American Independent Cinema Magdalena Maksimiuk
Madness in American Culture Natalia Pamuła
Introduction to Body Studies Marta Usiekniewicz
Introduction to American Comics Emma Oki
Forced Migrations and the American Dream Joanna Kulpińska
American Television Series after 2000 Paweł Frelik
Technology and Automation in American Culture Anna Malinowska
New Media in/and Power Blanka Kotlińska
Militarism, Militarization and War Weronika Grzebalska
Latinx and Hispanic Identities Hector Calleros
Queering the Canon Krystyna Mazur
Native American Writings of Memory and Self Gabriela Jeleńska
20th/21st Century American Poetry Matthew Chambers
American Jewishness at the Turn of the 21st Century Karolina Krasuska
Congress Clifford Bates
The Monroe Doctrine Zbigniew Kwiecień


BA III Latin

Modern Latin American Issues Renata Siuda-Ambroziak
Futbal w Ameryce Łacińskiej Alicja FIjałkowska-Myszyńska
Spanish language class Ana Fornet
Spanish language class Luis Miletti



Course name Instructor
Research Seminar: Race in American Film Agnieszka Graff-Osser
Research Seminar: Dystopia and Its Uses Karolina Lebek
Research Seminar: Immigrants and Cities Anna Sosnowska-Jordanovska
Research Seminar: American Outsider Art Anna Malinowska
Research Seminar: Christianity in the New World Renata Siuda-Ambroziak
Research Seminar: Transatlantic Modernism Matthew Chambers
Research Seminar: Haunted America Agnieszka Kotwasińska
Research Seminar: Issues in American Political Thought Clifford Bates
Research Seminar: Urbanization and Mega-Cities Kacper Pobłocki
Senior Res. Lecture: Clips, Shorts, Videos Paweł Frelik
Senior Res. Lecture: Voyages of the Self Marek Wilczyński
Senior Res. Lecture: Power and Its Discontents Elżbieta Korolczuk
Practical Spanish Luis Miletti
Paulina Bojarska
Advanced Practical English Dariusz Zembrzuski
Anna Mejer



Seminar Tomasz Basiuk
Seminar Paweł Frelik
Seminar Marcin Gajek
Seminar William Glass
Seminar Marta Usiekniewicz



Course name Instructor
Contemporary Latin American Film Tomasz Rudowski
The Sixties Włodzimierz Batóg
Seeing Is Believing Włodzimierz Batóg
America Under Trump Ryszard Schnepf
American Television Series after 2000 Paweł Frelik
El Caribe: Unidad en diversidad Katarzyna Dembicz
The Korean War 1950-1953 Zbigniew Kwiecień
African American Film after the Civil Rights Movement Krystyna Mazur



Extending the ELS

March 3, 2025

Extending the ELS (electronic student ID) validity will take place on March 17 – 20, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

American Studies Colloquium Series

March 6: Bending Reality to Economics

March 1, 2025

We are delighted to invite you to the first lecture of the American Studies Colloquium Series in the 2025 Spring semester! This talk examines the nested narrative of Hernan Diaz’s novel Trust as a motif by which the novel engages with the form of the financialized economy, in parallel with how its plot reflects on the lives of New York’s financial elite. By reframing the story of the 1929 crash through several mediations from the ‘reality’—a novel-with-the-novel, notes for a biography, reflections on this process by the ghost writer of said biography, and finally a personal journal—Trust draws our attention to the financialized economy as an exercise of substituting models for the thing itself, with inevitable distortions and lost data.

Year 2024/2025

February 25: Immortality in Televised Media – The Negative Sides of Being a (Super?)human

February 25, 2025

Join us for the second Weird TV lecture in 2025! Immortality as a concept has existed since ancient times, but unlike then, the term nowadays is rarely connected to chasing eternal youth or extending one’s life indefinitely. The concept of immortality in contemporary popular culture, propagated often through TV shows for children and adolescents alike, is usually connected with superheroes and the supernatural in general. Portrayed mostly as invincibility or ability to sustain damage that would otherwise kill a regular human, the focus is put on the physical sides of this concept, rarely on the mental side of being immortal. Death, after all, awaits everyone in the end, it is ingrained into human culture. As a species, we are drawn as much to creating, as we are to destroying, including ourselves.

Year 2024/2025

February 18: Solidarity in Struggle – A Conversation with Sarah Schulman

February 18, 2025

We invite you to a meeting with the author of “The Fantasy and Necessity of Solidarity,” Sarah Schulman, hosted by MA student at the ASC Julia Wajdziak. Together, we will look at the role of solidarity in contemporary activism, the challenges it faces, and the opportunities it creates for transnational alliances.


Dołącz do Akademii Młodych Polskich Innowatorów i wygraj płatny staż!

January 23, 2025

Chcesz wziąć udział w stażu w amerykańskiej firmie? Masz 18–26 lat? Interesujesz się przedsiębiorczością, mediami lub sprawami publicznymi? Chcesz zdobyć wiedzę i doświadczenie od ekspertów z USA i Polski, a także pracować nad innowacyjnym projektem, który odpowie na aktualne wyzwania gospodarcze i społeczne dla Polski? Jesteś z Warszawy lub jesteś gotowy/a dojeżdżać do stolicy na warsztaty i staż? Jeżeli na powyższe pytania odpowiedź brzmi TAK!, to dołącz do programu „Pathfinders of Tomorrow: Akademia Młodych Polskich Innowatorów”, który łączy młodych liderów z praktykami, by wspólnie tworzyć nowatorskie rozwiązania.