WarSAW: Go & Explore is an initiative started by students of the American Studies Center and the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw. This project has been created for those who look for inspiration, would like to get to know Warsaw even better but not necessarily want to read tourist guides.

For whom?

Perhaps due to the pandemic you have been stuck at home or lacked energy to go out? Or maybe you just didn’t know where to go? It doesn’t matter if you just came to Warsaw for a student exchange, you are a first year student or you have already been living in Warsaw for a while but still feel like you don’t know the city well enough, WarSAW: Go & Explore is here for you!

You know what they say— New Year, New Me! So join us and explore Warsaw’s districts from a local perspective. Beginning of the New Year is always a good time for changes, new ideas and new experiences. That’s why we encourage you to go outside and explore all places you didn’t know that Warsaw has to offer. Walks combined with sightseeing are a perfect solution to clear your head, take a break from your responsibilities or just another idea to spend time with friends and family.

Join us!

WarSAW: Go & Explore is an initiative that you can participate in as well— all you have to do is add your ideas, favorite places and recommendations for future walks in the comments under a post about a certain district.

Let’s be honest, this pandemic has given us a hard time and we all have felt that. That’s why we want to motivate you to discover new places, take your close ones and make plans to try out new food as soon as restaurants will open again!

So what’s the plan?

Every two days, on the event site we will upload a post presenting one of Warsaw’s districts prepared by one of our team members. The selection of places is rather subjective and shows how different a perception of a certain space, that not everyone might consider interesting, can be. We hope that thanks to our project you will discover new murals, buildings, and cafes not mentioned in regular tourist guides, which are an integral part of the city we all live in, and therefore, feel more at home in Warsaw.

Join the Facebook event to stay updated and start exploring Warsaw with us!

You can also check this interactive map with recommended places:

… but safety first!

Please remember to follow current COVID-19 restrictions and take care of your safety! Stay home if you feel sick and postpone the exploration for better times, if necessary.

The event is organized by students of the American Studies Center in cooperation with the Volunteer Center of the University of Warsaw as part of Practical Project: Multicultural Volunteering at UW, which constitutes a part of the Master’s program, co-funded by the The University’s Integrated Development Programme (ZIP).


Changes in Dr. Gajda-Łaszewska’s office hours schedule

June 26, 2024

Dr. Gajda-Łaszewska will be available in the office on Tuesday (2 July 2024), 1:30-3:30 pm and online (ZOOM) on Thursday (4 July 2024), 12:00-2:00 pm.

June 17-18: Polish-language conference „Jak uczyć o płci i seksualności? Interdyscyplinarność, instytucjonalizacja, zaangażowanie społeczne.”

June 17, 2024

Konferencja „Jak uczyć o płci i seksualności? Interdyscyplinarność, instytucjonalizacja, zaangażowanie społeczne” ma na celu stworzenie przestrzeni, w której mogą się spotkać społeczności akademickie, aktywistyczne, artystyczne, eksperckie tworzące i przekazujące wiedzę o płci i seksualności. Jaka mogłaby być dziś edukacja seksualna? Gdzie jest miejsce na feministyczny i queerowy aktywizm w akademii? Czy słowem kluczowym jest „równość” czy „nierówności”? Czy potrafimy wspólnie wyobrazić sobie studia magisterskie o płci i seksualności w Polsce? Zapraszamy na 6 paneli dyskusyjnych.

Year 2023/2024

June 11: Biosocial Groups, Biosocial Criminals – the Body and Medicine as Organizing Agents

June 11, 2024

Weird Fictions Research Group cordially invites you to the very last event this semester! The lecture will show how medical anthropology and cultural studies can shed light on medicine-related social and cultural phenomena.

Year 2023/2024

June 6: Marketing Barbie’s “Curvy New Body”: Mattel’s Fashionistas Line and its Legacy Brand Politics

June 6, 2024

We would like to invite you to an upcoming lecture given by a Fulbright Scholar, Doctor Rebecca C. Hains! During this lecture, you will have the pleasure of listening to Dr. Hains’s exploration of Barbie from the feminist perspective, the history of Barbie’s body type, and the feminist critique around it. The talk will also discuss the PR surrounding the “Curvy” Barbies’ release, a topic that has sparked many intense debates.

Year 2023/2024

June 5: Dissecting Theater: Medical Horror on Stage

June 5, 2024

Weird Fictions Research Group cordially invites you to a penultimate event this semester! We will discuss the ways in which medicine and theater are correlated and how medical horror stories can thrive on stage. We will explore the universal nature of theater by analyzing the sources of fear in Starkid’s The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals as well.