Weronika Owczarek
Year of MA graduation: 2015
Current occupation: Analyst at Ratheon Technologies
Why did you choose American Studies?
I always wanted to know as much as possible about the United States. This country fascinated me like no other, and for a kid from a village it was always a place where nothing is impossible. So when it came to choosing what I would like to study for my MA, the choice was simple – American Culture.
How was studying at the ASC like?
I didn’t know what to expect, but it didn’t take long for me to feel like I was at home. Actually, I fell in love with that place even before I actually started studying – when I first saw a smiling face of prof. Szklarski during my entrance exams, I knew I would find really kind people there, and, over two years after that, I defended my thesis with him being my supervisor. Never before have I met a person like him – he taught me how to never give up on making my work better and better every day.
Your best memory?
Even though it was eight years ago, I still remember how open-minded the lecturers were, and how fascinating it was to discuss different matters with them.
What skills have you gained while studying that you think you would not acquire anywhere else?
Most of my discussion skills came from that place; those people taught me how to express my thoughts and opinions with respect to others and I feel truly grateful for that.
What do you do professionally at the moment?
And here comes the surprise – I chose a completely different path in my life. I work in the aircraft industry right now, Ratheon Technologies. Although my job does not have much to do with culture, I still deal with American customers and suppliers, and the discussion skills and my open-mindedness proved to be the crucial factors in letting me achieve a successful career.
So to whoever chooses the ASC – don’t be afraid! Study what you love and life may surprise you!